The position of the coastlines in the study area was visually interpreted based on various features on standard false-color remote sensing images, such as tones, textures, spatial mor- phologies, and distribution characteristics, referring to topographic maps of the study area, field observations, and other supplementary information。 Different interpretation standards were applied for the different coast types (Chang et al。, 2004; Ma et al。, 2007; Sun et al。, 2011)。In particular, artificial coasts directly border seawater and generally feature regular land-sea demarcation lines, like ports and enclosed embankments; the sea side of the artifi- cial coast was regarded as the artificial coastline。 For sandy coasts that are generally flat, sandy sediments are carried by the spring tide and often deposited to form a ridge that is parallel to the shore; the position of this ridge was regarded as the location of the coastline。 For muddy coasts that have been developed or encompass a relatively small area, the coast- line was regarded as the piding line between tidal flats and other surface features, such as vegetation, shrimp ponds, and roads, because at the height of spring tide, seawater cannot cross this piding line。 For muddy coasts without artificial development, the exposed land above the average high tide line during spring tides and the tidal flat below the average high tide line during spring tides will typically be portrayed in different colors in remote sensing images; the piding line between these two types of land was regarded as the coastline。 For bedrock coast, the locations where ocean capes and upright cliffs directly contact with sea- waters were regarded as the coastline。

To ensure that the unchanged portions of the coastlines were strictly consistent in position between two consecutive time periods, the coastline distribution in 2000 was visually inter- preted and digitized using the ArcInfo software platform to generate the coverage vector data。 Subsequent coastline measurements used the earlier coastline as the background data, and only the changed portions of coastlines were updated。 This approach effectively avoided the “double eyelid” phenomenon that would occur if the coastline dynamics had been di- rectly extracted from remote sensing images with different spatial resolutions that had been obtained at different times。

2。3Method of calculating the fractal dimensions of  coastlines

There are two methods for calculating the fractal dimensions of coastlines: the  pider method (Mandelbrot, 1982) and the box-counting method (Liebovitch, 1989)。 This study utilized the box-counting method to calculate these fractal dimensions。 The fundamental notion of the box-counting method is to use non-overlapping square  grids  of  different lengths to continuously cover the coastline that must be measured。 When the length of the square grid (k ) changes, the number of grids needed to cover the entire coastline, Nk (k ) will shift accordingly。 According to fractal theory:

















