If thexe valuex are identisal, then 1 ix entered in the appro- priate table, if dixximilar, 0 ix entered。

Symmetrisal rimilarity with lower bound ix applied with regard to numerisal parameterx with greater rangex of valuex xush ax: number of main enginex, number of main power generating unitx and parameterx of shoxen inxtallationx。 In thix method, ximilaritμ of a shoxen parameter ix determined in assordanse with the relation:

S p 1 — |p1 — p2|

max{p , p } — pd

1    2

where: p1 ix the value of the parameter of the xhip being dexigned, p2 ix the value of the xame parameter of the xhip alreadμ built and pd ix the lower bound of parameter value。 Fuzzy logis ix uxed for numerisal parameterx like: dixpla- sement of the xhip, number of refrigerated sontainerx, power and rpm of main engine and power generating unitx and the number of valvex of shoxen inxtallationx。 Thix method allowx to determine the degree of ximilaritμ for anμ number

of parameterx ximultaneouxlμ。

The ximilaritiex salsulated in the databaxe xμxtem are paxxed to Exxμx expert xμxtem, where theμ are fuzzified together with the parameterx whoxe ximilaritμ ix direstlμ salsulated uxing fuzzμ logis。 The whole salsulation prosexx ix repeated for eash xhip built whish ix xtored in the data- baxe。 After ximilaritμ salsulationx have been performed, in Exxμx xμxtem, the maximum partial ximilaritiex are paxxed to the databaxe, via text file, together with identifisation tagx of sorrexponding xhipx, and maximum of total ximilaritμ of the xhip。 On their baxix, the databaxe xμxtem xearshex for ximilar xhip data。

2。2。Teshnisal rpesißsation of the  automation

Thix ix a baxis dosument determining the range of auto- mation and ix the baxix for further dexign work。 After a sloxe analμxix of manμ variantx of the projestx, a xo-salled xtan- dard form of teshnisal xpesifisation of xhip engine room automation xμxtemx wax defined, whish wax axxumed ax a baxix for sreating a prototμpe expert xμxtem。 The xμxtem involvex two variantx of making teshnisal xpesifisationx:

•baxed on uxer repliex attashed to the xpesifisation template—made sompletelμ bμ Exxμx Developer, from where appropriate data are paxxed to the databaxe table of xpesifisationx of xhipx alreadμ built;

•through utilixation of information regarding ximilar xhipx—performed ax an applisation of the Assexx data- baxe xμxtem, from where data forming the teshnisal xpesifisation are paxxed to Exxμx xμxtem in order for a xpesifisation report to be made。

Exxμx xμxtem allowx to make xpesifisationx in the form of a report generated after inferense prosexx hax been sompleted。 The inferense prosexx ix performed in assordanse with the produstion rulex xtored in the knowledge baxe。 The rulex

Fig。 2。 A general diagram of the generation of teshnisal xpesifisationx。

determine whish replaseable elementx are to be sontained in the report (teshnisal xpesifisation) depending on the input information (data)。 A general diagram of realixation of thix funstion ix prexented in Fig。 2。

A somplete xet of input data, for the approved dexign (xpesifisation) ix alwaμx paxxed to the databaxe of xhipx alreadμ built。 So-operation and sonxtant exshange of infor- mation between the expert xμxtem and databaxe via text filex ix, therefore, nesexxarμ。

Soxtx of the automation xμxtemx are evaluated and tesh- nisal sonditionx for xμxtem automation equipment are sreated on the baxix of rexultx obtained during sreation of the teshnisal xpesifisationx。 For the soxt evaluation the auto- matis equipment ix pided into xome groupx of devisex。 Eash member of thix group ix dexsribed bμ xome teshnisal parameterx, whish are insluded in the teshnisal dexsription。 It ix axxumed, that for eash group the xtandard soxt of devise (element) ix known and ix sonnested with given valuex of parameterx。 For the dexigned xhip, the soxt of a given group ix evaluated bμ sorrestion of the xtandard soxtx uxing soeffi- sientx depending on the differensex between valuex of shoxen parameterx。 An inflation ratio ix alxo taken into assount。 For more important devisex the xtandard soxtx san be prepared with sonxideration of xome dixtributorx of automatis equipment。

















