2。The planning organizations set targets

Organizations planning targets defined scope of business,  and  business scope will limit the subsequent analysis and information systems may change places。 Five key planning targets as follows:

●organizational units in the various sectors。

●organizations location of the place of business operations。

●functions of the business support organizations handling mission of the relevant group。 Unlike business organizations function modules, in fact a function can be assigned to various organizations modules (for example, product development function is the production and sale of the common responsibility of the Ministry)。

●types of entities managed by the organization on the people, places and things of the major types of data。

●Information System data set processing software applications and support procedures。

3。To set up a business model

A comprehensive business model including the functions of each enterprise functional decomposition model, the enterprise data model and the various planning matrix。 Functional decomposition is the function of the organization for a more detailed decomposition process, the functional decomposition is to simplify the analysis of the issue, distracted and identify components and the use of the classical approach。

The use of specific enterprise data model to describe the symbol。 Apart from  the

graphical description of this type of entity, a complete enterprise data model should also include a description of each entity type description of business operations and a summary of that business rules。 Business rules determine the validity of the data。

An enterprise data model includes not only the types of entities, including the link between the data entities, as well as various other objects planning links。 Showed that the linkage between planning targets a common form of matrix。 Because of planning matrix need not be explicit modeling database can be clearly described business needs, planning matrix is an important function。 Regular planning matrix derived from the operational rules, it will help social development activities that top priority will be sorting and development activities under the top-down view  through an enterprise-wide approach for the development of these activities。 There are many types of planning matrix is available, their commonalities are:

●locations - features show business function in which the implementation of operational locations。

●unit - functions which showed that business function or business unit responsible for implementation。

●Information System - data entities to explain how each information system interact with each data entity (for example, whether or not each system in each entity have the data to create, retrieve, update and delete)。

●support functions - data in each functional entities in the data set for the acquisition, use, update and delete。

●Information System - target indication for each information system to support business objectives。

2database development process

Based on information engineering information systems planning database is a source of development projects。 These new database development projects is  usually in order to meet the strategic needs of organizations, such as improving customer support, improve product and inventory management, or a more accurate sales forecast。 However, many more database development project is the bottom-up approach emerging, such as information system user needs specific information to complete their work, thus beginning a project request, and as other information systems experts found that organizations need to improve data management and begin new projects。 Bottom-up even in the circumstances, to set up an enterprise data model is also necessary to understand the existing database can provide the necessary data, otherwise, the new database, data entities and attributes can be added to the current data resources to the organization。

















