摘要:改革开放以来,农民的思想观念在不断发生着改变,他们渴望通过文化脱贫致富,希望享受和参与丰富多彩的文化生活。反观现实,目前我国农村居民业余文化生活亟待改善。本毕业论文将以周口市为例,从一个特定的视角,在一定调查研究的基础上,从农村居民业余文化生活的现状入手,分析问题存在的原因,针对新农村建设中丰富农村居民业余文化生活提出解决措施。关键词:农村居民;文化生活;发展对策 8232
The investigation and research on rural residents' amateur culture life--take the city of Zhoukou for example
Abstract: Since the reform and opening, farmer's ideology has been changed accordingly. Farmers are eager to get rid of poverty and achieve prosperity by means of culture, they hope to join the colorful cultural life and enjoy it. In reality, the current condition of farmers on amateur cultural life needs to be improved. This article takes the city of Zhoukou for example, from a particular perspective, based on some investigation and study, analyzed the reasons from the current situation of farmers' amateur cultural life, then puts forward solutions to enrich farmers' amateur cultural life during the new rural construction.
Key Words: Rural residents;Cultural life;Development countermeasures
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