    毕业论文关键词: 软土 ;地基承载力;CFG桩;路堤设计
    Supporting and high-speed railway embankment design
    Abstcact:With the rapid development of China's high-speed railway, after the high-speed railway foundation requirements, thus reinforcing the roadbed in construction it is particularly important. High-speed railway subgrade settlement after construction very strict control, subgrade after construction settlement mainly residual settlement after the completion of the railway track laying foundation settlement control in order to meet our high-speed railway embankment after construction requirements, the need to choose the right foundation settlement calculation method selecting appropriate foundation reinforcement measures in accordance with the settlement calculations. Before designing high-speed rail access to a lot on design specifications, and according to the specifications of the embankment design process, according to the mission statement of requirements designed retaining wall, and checking whether its stability to meet the requirements, the design of the pile retaining plate complete wall reinforcement, the last of the high-speed railway embankment design time to start on.
    Keywords: Soft soil foundation bearing capacity, CFG pile, embankment design
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    概述    1
    1.2    工程概况    1
    1.3    工程地质及水文地质条件    2
    1.4    高速铁路设计原则    3
    1.5    地基处理规定    3
    2    铁路客运专线路基设计    4
    2.1    路基工程的组成    4
    2.2    路基工程的性质和特点    4
    2.2.1    路基工程的特点    4
    2.2.2    路基工程的基本性能    5
    2.3    路基设计    5
    2.3.1    一般设计    5
    2.3.2    个别设计    6
    2.3.3    路基荷载的设计    6
    2.4    路基横断面设计    6
    2.4.1    路基面形式    6
    2.4.2    路基面标准宽度设计(双线)    7
    2.4.3    路基稳定性及变形控制标准    8
    2.4.4    路堤施工技术设计    8
    2.4.5    路堤标准横断面    9
    3    软土地段地基处理    10
    3.1    软土地基的特点    10
    3.2    软土地基路堤加固技术    10
    3.2.1    改变路堤的结构形式    10
    3.2.2    人工地基    10
    3.2.3    排水固结    11
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