    设计总说明:近年在我国大中城市内,高层建筑得到相当迅速的发展。经济发展、人口增加、城市建设都要求加速高层建筑的兴建,我国高层建筑的设计与施工技术正进入国际先进水平。除涌现大批高层住宅外,公共高层宾馆与日俱增。高层宾馆的防火设计有许多特殊性问题,必须认真对待。 本工程为某市闹市区一高层星级宾馆,地处十字路口, 宾馆正门前有活动广场和停车场,宾馆主体为一幢高层建筑,地上 22层,总建筑面积 30985m2,宾馆标准层 1280 m2,建筑高度80m。该地上一层主要使用功能为配电房、空调机房、消防控制室、接待大厅、办公室、美容院、商场、和酒吧,总容纳人数上限为 180人;地上二层主要使用功能为宴会厅和餐厅的包房,总容纳人数上限为 380人:地上三层主要使用功能为西餐厅和咖啡厅,总容纳人数上限为280 人;地上四层主要使用功能为健身房、台球室、乒乓球室、保龄球室和KTV包房,总容纳人数上限为 150人;地上五层至地上二十二层主要使用功能均为客房,各层容纳人数上限均为 200人。 该宾馆的为一类建筑,在防火安全方面存在多方面的火灾隐患。如房间内人员的密集性和大量流动,宾馆内、餐厅、酒吧、美容院及商场中大量电器的使用,使得单一的消防设备不能做到面面俱备。室内的可燃物较多,房间间隔小,且每个房间都有门窗,通风较好,一旦发生火灾,蔓延迅速,易形成大面积燃烧,增大扑救难度。 本次针对某高层宾馆的消防设计以国家建筑防火设计规范和相关行业标准为依据,结合宾馆的火灾特点和建筑布局开展的相关设计工作。本次设计是以提高其防火能力,减少火灾危害,满足建筑消防设计的安全性为目的,认真贯彻“适用,经济,安全”,即安全适用、技术先进、经济合理的原则。具体设计内容包括:建筑耐火等级的确定、建筑总平面布置、建筑平面布置、室内装修、安全疏散、室内外消防给水系统、自动喷水灭火系统、灭火器配置、防排烟系统和火灾自动报警系统设计。 本次设计参照的规范主要是以《建筑防火设计规范》(GB50016-2014 版)为主,同时会用到《建筑灭火器配置设计规范》(GB50140-2005)、《消防给水及消火栓系统技术规范》(GB50974-2014)、《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》(GB50084-2001)、《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》(GB50116-2013)。     具体设计方案如下: A本工程建筑等级为一级,耐火等级为一级。 B本工程与周围建筑物保持着适当的防火间距,满足规范要求。在建筑周围设置环形消防车道。 C 本工程共有3个防火分区和 3 个防烟分区。 D本工程总平面内设有 6个安全出口,其中最小的安全出口宽度为 1.5m;宾馆主体部分共设有3个安全出口;宾馆内共设计有 2 个防烟楼梯间;疏散宽度、安全疏散距离、必需疏散时间均符合规范要求。 E本工程宾馆内部分和商场各部位装修材料的燃烧性能等级均符合《建筑内部装修设计防火规范》的要求。 F本工程消防给水水源为市政给水管网和消防水池。室外消火栓系统采用直线分布设计, 在管网上布置室外消火栓。 在建筑物的东北、南两侧各设一个地上式低压消火栓,室外消防用水量为 30 L/s。 G该工程室内消火栓系统是设有消防水泵和水箱的低压给水系统。其宾馆部分室内消火栓用水量为33.6L/s,消防水池有效容积为 18m3,布置1个地上式水泵接合器,同时在平屋顶上设置 1个屋顶消火栓。 H本工程火灾危险等级为中危险 I级。采用湿式自动喷水灭火系统,系统的供水管道为环状,配水管道采用侧边中心型给水布置方式。采用独立的湿式报警阀组,并设有报警控制装置。自动喷水灭火系统的喷水强度为 6L/minm2,作用面积为 160m2,喷头布置间距为3.6m。最不利点处喷头工作压力为 P0=0.05MPa。宾馆自动喷水灭火系 统总流量为30.78L/s。 I本工程整体灭火器配置场所危险等级为 A类火灾严重危险级,每个灭火器设置点选配1具手提式磷酸铵盐干粉灭火器。 J 本工程采用自然防排烟与机械排烟结合方式。宾馆房间部分有可开启的外窗,可自然排烟,楼梯间内设机械排烟。 K本工程火灾自动报警系统保护等级为一级,采用消防控制中心报警系统的形式。系统设有消防控制室、火灾应急广播、手动火灾报警按钮等。采用智能感烟探测器,探测器均采用点型火灾探测器的形式布置。 57165
    毕业论文关键字:建筑消防设计;消防安全;高层宾馆;方式设计  Analysis of fire hazard and fire control design about High-rise Hotel        Design General information: In large and medium cities in China in recent years, high-rise buildings are fairly rapid development. Economic development, population growth, urban construction requires speeding up the construction of high-rise buildings, design and construction technology of high-rise buildings in China are entering the international advanced level. In addition to a large number of high-rise residential building outside, increasing public high-rise hotels.  Fire safety design of high-rise hotels have many special problems must be taken seriously. This project is a downtown high-rise hotel, located in the crossroads, activities and parking in front of hotel, hotel is a high-rise building, on the ground 22 with a total construction area of 30985m², hotel standard floor 1280 m², building height 80m. The ground a layer main using function for distribution room, and air conditioning room, and fire control room, and reception hall, and Office, and beauty salons, and Mall, and and bar, total accommodate number ceiling for 180 people; ground II layer main using function for Ballroom and restaurant of rooms, total accommodate number ceiling for 380 people: ground three layer main using function for restaurant and Cafe, total accommodate number ceiling for 280 people; ground four layer main using function for gym, and billiards room, and table tennis room, and bowling room and KTV rooms, Total capacity up to 150 people; five floors above the ground to 22 floors on the main function room, the capacity limit of 200 people.      The hotel is a class of buildings, the presence of a wide range of fire hazards in fire safety. Such as intensive in-room staff and a lot of liquidity, hotel, conference hall and a large number of shopping malls in the use of electrical appliances, such that a single fire fighting equipment can not do all things ready. More fuel chamber, small room space, and each room has windows, better ventilation, once the fire spread quickly and is easy to form a large area of combustion, increased fighting difficult.      The fire in a high-rise hotel is designed for the national fire protection design specifications and relevant industry standards as the basis, combined with the hotel's fire-related design features and layout of the building carried  out. This design is improving its fire resistance, reduce fire hazards, meet building fire safety purposes, conscientiously implement the "applicable, economic, security," that is safe application of advanced technology, reasonable and economic principles.  Specific design elements include: building fire resistance rating of determining total building layout, building layout, interior decoration, safe evacuation, indoor and outdoor fire water supply systems, automatic sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers configuration, automatic smoke control systems and fire alarm systems design.      Specific design programs are as follows:      A. rating of one of the engineering and construction, refractory grade level.      B.  of the project with the surrounding buildings  to maintain proper fire spacing, meet regulatory requirements. An annular fire road around the building.      C. this project a total of three fire district and three smoke partition.      D. The total project plane equipped with six emergency exits, including emergency exits smallest width of 1.5m; the main part of the hotel has a total of three emergency exit; were designed hotel has two stairwell; evacuation width, security evacuation distance, required evacuation time are in line with regulatory requirements.      E. Part of the project site and shopping malls all parts of decoration materials combustion performance levels are in line with "interior decoration of buildings for fire protection design" requirements.      F. The fire water supply project water for municipal water supply network and fire-fighting. Outdoor fire hydrant system design using linear distribution in the pipe-line arrangement of outdoor fire hydrant. Each with a floor-type low pressure fire hydrant in the Northeast, the South side of the building, outdoor fire water to 30 L / s.      G. The project with the fire hydrant system is a low-pressure pump and tank water supply system. The hotel part of its water for the fire hydrant 33.6L / s, fire water volume of 18m3, arranged a ground water pump adapter, and set a fire hydrant on the flat roof of the roof.      H. The project fire danger rating for Class I in danger. Wet automatic sprinkler system, the system of water pipes in a ring shape, with the sides of the center uses water pipes water supply arrangement. Independent of wet alarm valve, and equipped with alarm control device. Automatic sprinkler system sprinkler strength 6L / minm2, active area of 160m2, arranged nozzle spacing 3.6m. The most unfavorable point nozzle working pressure of P0 = 0.05MPa. Hotel sprinkler system Total system flow 30.78L / s.      I. place this project as a whole Extinguisher A fire danger rating as a serious risk level, each matching a fire extinguisher set point ammonium phosphate dry powder portable fire extinguisher.      J. This project uses natural combination of smoke and smoke way. Part of a hotel room can be opened outside the window, naturally smoke, equipped with mechanical exhaust stairwell.      K. automatic fire alarm system to protect this project grade level, the use of the fire alarm system control center form. System with the fire control room, fire emergency radio, manual fire alarm buttons. Smart smoke detector, which are used in the form of point-type fire detectors arranged.
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