    Agriculture Irrigation Efficiency Comparative Analysis under the Background of Drought     ——the evidence from Hebei, Henan, Liaoning provinces
    Abstract: In this paper, based on the technical efficiency perspective, the DEA method is used to study the irrigation efficiency of irrigated water under the background of drought, and the irrigation efficiency of Hebei, Henan and Liaoning provinces is compared and analyzed. The paper gets the following three conclusions: 1. All three provinces have a lot of room for improvement on the agricultural irrigation water efficiency. The irrigation efficiency under the variable scale hypothesis is generally higher than the efficiency value under the constraint of unchanged scale. Irrigation efficiency is better when the scale of agricultural management can be free to adjust. 2. When three provinces suffered from the drought in 2014, the irrigation efficiency of Henan Province was the least while the available water resources were also the least. The input of water resources to agricultural production was distorted and the market value could not be effectively reflected. 3. The minimum value of irrigation efficiency of farmers in three provinces all are zero. Farmers have irrigation inputs but no output, so inpidual irrigation investment may not be sufficient to cope with the drought, government investment is need for them. Finally, the paper makes some suggestions on the government and farmers for their irrigation water-saving behaviors.
    Key words: irrigation efficiency; DEA method; comparative analysis
    目 录
    摘要:    1
    关键字:    1
    Abstract:    1
    Key words:    1
    引言    2
    一、概念界定与文献综述    2
    (一)概念界定    2
    1.农业生产技术效率    2
    2.灌溉效率    2
    (二)文献综述    3
    1.国外相关研究综述    3
    2.国内相关研究综述    3
    3.小结    4
    二、干旱灾害下农业灌溉效率分析    4
    (一)数据来源及研究区概况    4
    1.数据来源    4
    2.研究区概况    4
    (二)DEA灌溉效率测算    5
    1.模型设定    5
    2.研究对象及变量选取    6
    3.描述性统计分析    6
    4.实证结果分析    8
    四、主要结论与建议    10
    (一)主要结论    10
    (二)相关建议    11
    1.政府方面    11
    2.农户方面    11
    致谢:    11
    参考文献:    11
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