    本文以UTAUT模型为基础模型,结合移动阅读的实际特点,提出了适用于本研究的移动阅读用户采纳模型,即MRUAM。并根据新模型,提出社会影响(SI)、努力期望(EE)、绩效期望(PE)、支付价值性(PV)这4个假设。进而设计变量量表与调查问卷,对移动阅读用户进行调查。并利用SPSS17 .0软件和Amos17.0软件对问卷数据和结构模型进行验证修改。25521
    关键词  移动阅读,用户采纳,UTAUT模型
    Title      Moblie Reading User Adoption Behavior Research               
    In recent years, the rapid development of technology and the increasing popularity of the network.Because mobile reading has obvious advantages such as mobility and fragmented to traditional paper reading, so more and more users  and researchers pay attention to it . Therefore, the paper mainly uses the method of literature analysis and empirical analysis, from the view of  user's  adoption of mobile reading.Discuss which factors have an impact on users adoption behavioral,explore the ways to promote the users adoption mechanism and approach, improve and optimize the user adoption behavior and improve the quality of mobile reading, so as to promote the development of mobile reading.
    In UTAUT model-based model, combined with the actual characteristics of mobile reading, proposed for use in the present study to read the user adoption of mobile model, namely MRUAM.And according to the new model, proposed 4 hypothesis which include Social Influence,efforts expectation,performance expectations and payments value.Design vector table and questionnaire,mobile reading user survey.And use SPSS17.0 and Amos17.0 analyse the result.
    Conclusions show that social influence, efforts expectation, payment of the value of  willingness to adopt a significant impact on users, the adoption of a significant effect on the willingness to adopt behaviors, and performance expectations no significant effects on adoption intention.
    Based on these results, make recommendations and measures to provide reference for mobile reading development.
    Keywords  Mobile Reading, User Adoption, UTAUT Model
     1 绪论    2
    1.1 研究背景    2
    1.2 研究意义    2
    1.3 研究架构    3
    1.4 研究方法    4
    1.5 创新点与难点    5
    2 文献综述    6
    2.1 概念界定    6
    2.2 移动阅读国内外研究综述    7
    3 用户采纳模型构建与研究假设    11
    3.1 用户采纳行为的基础分析    11
    3.2 用户采纳模型    12
    3.3 用户采纳模型构建    16
    3.4 移动阅读用户采纳模型(MRUAM)构建    16
    3.5 变量定义与研究假设    17
    4 研究设计    20
    4.1 问卷结构    20
    4.2 问卷变量的测量及衡量指标    20
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