    The competitiveness of Self-owned brand car in international trade --- Take Chery for example
    Abstract: The disquisition first reviews the development status of China's automobile industry; use the Export Trade Data measurement method to comparative analysis. The international competitiveness of China's automobile industry, index changes can proved that China's auto industry specialization is becoming more rational. Automotive products imports and exports basically balanced growth. In the export trade has a comparative advantage and competitive advantage. But compare with the auto industry than the more mature countries, the competitiveness index of China's automobile industry is still very low, Reflected the level of international competitiveness is in the middle and lower .In view of empirical conclusions, the thesis affect the international competitiveness of China's automobile industry indicators to classify the various factors and discuss qualitative analysis led to the current competitive situation of the underlying causes. End of the article from the development model, such as economies of scale and government support point of view, expounded China's automobile industry to improve the international competitiveness of the strategy.
    Keywords: self-owned brand;International Competitivenes
    目   录
    引  言    1
    一、 绪论    2
    (一) 研究目的和意义    2
    (二) 研究现状和发展趋势    3
    二、 自主品牌汽车国际竞争力的现状    4
    (一) 中国汽车行业现状    4
    (二) 自主品牌汽车的国际竞争力    4
    三、 分析自主品牌汽车国际竞争力存在的问题及其原因    6
    (一) 自主品牌汽车国际竞争力的定量分析    6
    (二) 奇瑞汽车的国际竞争力研究    12
    (三) 自主品牌汽车国际竞争中存在的问题及原因    14
    四、 提高自主品牌汽车国际竞争力的若干对策    16
    (一) 加大研发投入力度,促进自主品牌开发    16
    (二) 加强政府宏观管理,优化大企业产业布局    16
    (三) 推进我国汽车工业集群化发展    17
    (四) 加快汽车及其相关工业的协调发展    17
    结   论    18
    致   谢    19
    参考文献    20
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