    摘要在残疾人旅游需要日益增长,残疾游客数量高速增长,中韩残障旅游事业高速发展的背景下,我国残障旅游事业发展存在巨大潜力的同时,更面临着巨大的挑战,残障旅游事业的发展中更存在着许多的问题。针对我国残障旅游事业发展中面临的挑战和存在的问题,本论文采用观察法,调查法,经验总结法,比较分析法,个案法,文献资料法等方法进行研究,得出中韩两国残障旅游设施发展存在差异,我国在残障旅游设施发展中存在设置种类数量缺乏,残障旅游设施维护和保养缺乏规范,社会全体意识薄弱,政府缺乏关注等问题;对我国残障旅游设施未来的发展提出科学性可行性的意见和建议。主要包括增强全体公民对残障旅游设施的意识和关注,增强公民对残障旅游设施的了解和认识,让人们了解建设和设置残障旅游设施的重要性和必要性等;加强政府对残障旅游设施设置的关注度,建立相关立法和规范,使得残障旅游设施的设置更有规范;引起各行各业尤其是旅游从业者对残障旅游设施建设的高度关注,促进残障旅游事业更好地带动旅游行业全面发展。  46250
    ABSTRACT In this paper, in today's growing need for people with disabilities travel, the number of visitors with disabilities rapid growth, China and South Korea in the context of the rapid development of Accessible tourism, tourism in the presence of disability huge potential for development, while also facing a huge challenge, disabled tourism industry development, there are many more problems. For the challenges facing the tourism development of disability and problems, this thesis, observation, investigation, lessons learned, comparative analysis, case law, literature and other methods of research, China and South Korea draw with disabilities differences in tourism infrastructure development, of the existence of a lack of setting the number of species in accessible tourism facilities development, disabled tourist facilities maintenance and repair lack of standardized, all sense of community is weak, the government lack of attention to such issues; on the future development of China's disabled tourist facilities proposed scientific comments and suggestions feasibility. All citizens including enhancing tourism facilities for disabled awareness and concern of citizens with disabilities to enhance knowledge and understanding of tourism facilities, so that people understand the importance and necessity of building and setting disabled tourist facilities; increased focus on government disability tourist facilities set degree, the establishment of relevant legislation and standards, so that setting disabled tourist facilities more specifications; cause all walks of life, especially tourism practitioners attention to the construction of tourist facilities disabled, handicapped promote tourism to better promote the comprehensive development of the tourism industry.
    Key words:the disabled tourism; barrier-free travel; barrier-free facilities of the scenic spot.
    目    录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究意义    1
    1.3 研究方法    2
    第二章 文献综述    3
    2.1相关定义    3
    2.2残疾人旅游需求的特殊性    3
    2.3残疾人需求特点的差异性    4
    2.4我国残障旅游发展现状    4
    2.5残疾人旅游产品供给情况      5
    2.6残疾人旅游存在的主要问题      5
    第三章  中韩景区无障碍设施分布实例分析    7
    3.1 常见景区无障碍设施    7
    3.1.1残疾人专用停车场    7
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