

    毕业论文关键词:第三方惩罚;7-8岁儿童 ;有代价 

    Costly Third-party Punishment in 7-8 Years Old Children

    Abstract: To explore 7-8 years old children have nothing to do with its own interests distribution situation, costly third-party punishment development characteristic of the fair behavior. The author selected 33 children in a primary school in Chaoyang City as the third-party was tested,  accepted or rejected the resource allocation scheme of two children of not on the spot. The research mainly explore 7-8 years old children development characteristics of the fairness awareness and fairness behavior of the third-party punishment. The results showed that: 7 years old children punishment the selfishness unequal distribution  were significantly higher than the equal distribution , which showed that the 7 years  old children showed obvious advantage of unfair aversion. 8 years old children  punishment the selfishness unequal distribution were significantly higher than generosity  unequal distribution  and  equal distribution, which showed that the 8 years old children advantages of inequity aversion and disadvantages of inequity aversion performance are obviously more and more to allocate to the equity standard.

    Keywords: Third-party Punishment; 7-8 Years Old Children;Costly

    目  录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    引言 2

    1研究方法 3

    1.1研究对象 3

    1.2研究设计 4

    1.3实验程序 4

    1.4实验数据处理 4

    2实验结果 5

    2.1 7-8岁儿童第三方惩罚行为的描述 5

    2.2 7岁儿童在各分配方式间第三方惩罚行为的差异比较 5

    2.3 8岁儿童在各分配方式间第三方惩罚行为的差异比较 5

    2.4 7-8岁儿童第三方惩罚行为的差异比较 6

    3分析与讨论 7

    3.1 7-8岁儿童第三方惩罚行为的描述分析 7

    3.2 7岁儿童在各分配方式间第三方惩罚行为的差异分析 7

    3.3 8岁儿童在各分配方式间第三方惩罚行为的差异分析 7

    3.4 7-8岁儿童第三方惩罚行为的差异分析 8

    4研究不足及将来研究展望 8

    5结论 9

    参考文献 10

    附录 11

    致谢 12 


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