

    毕业论文关键词:初中生; 互助合作; 能力培养; 思想品德


    This research is based on the theoretical basis of mutual aid and cooperation on education, combined with the current middle school students' research achievements of cooperation, to junior high school students as the research object, using the method of questionnaire survey, understand the present cultivating situation of mutual aid and cooperation ability of junior middle school students. The author thinks, there are three problems of mutual aid and cooperation ability of the current situation of junior high school students: the lack of awareness, skills shortage and quality. To solve these three problems, cause of the lack of the author from the school, family, society and the students themselves four aspects to explore the mutual aid and cooperation ability, and on the basis of mutual aid and cooperation ability, skills and quality awareness etc.,and combining the current actual suggestions and Countermeasures to put forward the mutual aid and cooperation ability cultivation of junior middle school students.

    Keywords: Middle school student;Mutual aid and cooperation;The cultivation of ability ;Ideological and moral

    目   录

    一、绪论 5

    (一)选题缘由及研究的意义 5

    (二)本课题的研究现状综述 5

    1.国外研究综述 5

    2.国内的研究综述 5

    二、初中生互助合作能力构成要素及其相关联性分析 6

    (一)初中生互助合作能力的构成要素 6

    1.互助合作意识 6

    2.互助合作技能 6

    3.互助合作品质 6

    (二)初中生互助合作能力构成要素的相关联性分析 6

    1.互助合作意识是核心 6

    2.互助合作技能是基础 7

    3.互助合作品质是保障 7

    (三)初中生互助合作能力培养与思想品德教育 7

    三、初中生互助合作能力现状调查与分析 7

    (一)初中生互助合作能力现状 7

    1.互助合作意识较为薄弱 7

         2.互助合作技能匮乏 9

    3.互助合作品质缺乏 10

    (二)初中生互助合作能力培养中存在的问题及原因分析 11

    1.将意识等同于能力,忽视技能的训练 11

    2.互助合作能力培养途径较为单一 11

    3.学校教育缺乏针对性 11


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