Research on the asset-light development model of small and medium sized commercial banks
Abstract:With the continuous development and innovation of China's financial reform, coupled with globalization, securitization, financial development in science and technology and a new round of economic reshuffle and market change, banking competition and increased operating pressure, some banks especially small and medium-sized commercial banks to actively explore the development of the transition to light asset model. This paper first analyzes the development model of commercial bank light asset background, and then analyzes the light asset and heavy assets modes, then conducts SWOT analysis on light asset development mode, and the merchants bank as an example, analysis of optimal results it has achieved in the light asset model, finally proposed that the implementation of small and medium sized commercial banks measures of light asset model..
Key words: Commercial Bank;Light assets;Transformation;Development model
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2目的和意义 2
1.3研究思路和方法 2
2轻资产模式的基本分析 3
2.1轻资产与重资产 3
2.2商业银行的轻资产与重资产 3
2.3中小型商业银行转型的背景和必要性分析 5
3中小型商业银行轻资产模式的SWOT分析 7
3.1优势 7
3.2机会 8
3.3劣势 9
3.4威胁 9
3.5小结 10
4案例分析——招商银行 11
4.1招商银行发展状况 11
4.2招商银行转型路径 13
4.3小结 14
5促进中小型银行实施轻资产模式的措施 15
5.1重资产业务转表外 15
5.2强化零售资产业务 15
5.3扩大中间业务 16
5.4降低投入成本 16
结 论 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20