摘 要:本系统基本遵循工程方法论进行系统分析、总体设计、详细设计和软件测试。本教材征订系统是针对现今教材管理模式复杂这一问题开发、研制出来的。本系统使用C#编程语言以及SQL Server 数据库。它是基于B/S结构下形成的数据驱动的Web应用程序。实现了管理员对系统用户管理、个人资料管理、教材征订管理、数据备份的文护;系主任角色可以进行个人资料的修改、教材征订的管理;教师角色可以查看教材征订、修改个人资料。教材征订系统有着很好的应用前景,它用来代替传统的手工征订,实现教材的征订工作的网络化管理是一个必然的趋势。19843
关键字: ASP.NET; SQL Server数据库;教材征订
The Subscription Teaching Book Management System Based on ASP.NET
Abstract: This system follows the basic engineering methodology for system analysis, design, detailed design, and software testing. The textbook issue subscription system is developed for today's complex materials management model, developed out.This system follows the c # programming language and SQL Server database. It is based on the data under the B / S structure formation driven Web applications. It implements the system administrator user management, personal information management, materials subscription management, data backup maintenance;Head of roles can be modified materials Subscription personal information management; You can view the role of teachers teaching subscriptions, modify personal information. Subscription materials system has good prospects, it is used to replace the traditional manual subscriptions to achieve network management textbook subscriptions work is an inevitable trend.
Key Words:ASP.NET;SQL Server database;the subscription teaching book
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