摘要:随着网络技术的广泛应用,以往的传统模式已经不能满足高校对图书管理系统的需求。为了提高图书管理系统的工作效率,系统采用B/S模式,使用ASP.NET技术和SQL Server 2008数据库技术,设计并实现了一个功能完善的图书管理系统。系统包括管理员功能和读者功能两个模块,其中,通过读者功能模块可以实现查看借阅排行榜、图书信息等操作;通过管理员功能模块可以实现注册、登录、修改个人信息、管理读者、管理图书等操作。系统减轻了管理人员的工作量,实现了图书管理的标准化和信息化管理。24906 毕业论文关键词:图书管理系统;B/S模式; ASP.NET;SQL Server 2008
The Design and Implementation of The based on B/S Book Management System
Abstract:Along with the wide application of network technology, traditional manual management model has been unable to meet the demand of book in university management. In order to improve the efficiency of book management system, the system adopting B/S mode and using the ASP.NET technology and SQL Server 2008 database technology to design and implement an function very equipped book management system. The system includes two modules: the administrator setting and the reader setting, among them, readers can check borrowing ranking, on the other hand, the administrator can register , login, modify personal information , management readers, management books , and other operations. The system reduces the workload of managers and has realized the book management standardization and information management.
Key Words: Book Management System; B/S mode; ASP.NET; SQL Server 2008
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