摘要:随着科技的不断发展,人们对于客户信息管理这方面的软件要求也逐渐变高,各种各样全方面的需求都逐一完善。日报信息平台也顺应时代的潮流需要更多的功能以及之后客户文护方面的改善。本文以实际运用为开发背景,运用软件工程原理和开发方法,采用ASP.Net技术构建一个基于B/S模式的日报信息平台的客户管理系统。该系统采用C#开发,管理员可以通过这软件简单快捷地对会员的信息进行管理。系统的主要内容是管理员管理、会员类型权限管理、会员管理、统计查询、个人管理。整个开发过程首先对系统进行需求分析,接着对系统进行总体设计和详细设计。最后进行了功能测试,为系统文护提供便利,也为今后开发类似系统提供借鉴和帮助。通过这个系统,为日报信息平台的客户管理提供了便利,从而尊重客户价值。在越来越激烈的同行竞争中,使得企业有了更强的竞争力,营造良好的客户体验,提高客户的忠诚度。32849 毕业论文关键词:客户;日报;ASP.Net技术;SQL;B/S
The Design And Realization of Customer Relationship Management for Daily Information Platform
Abstract: With the continuous development of science and technology, people ask for more about the software of information management system, all kinds of all the needs consummate. Daily information platform need more features and maintenance. Based on practical application development background, using the principle of software and development method, using ASP.Net technology to build a of journal information platform based on B/S model of customer management system. The system uses C#,administrators can through this software manage the member information.The main content of the system is the administrator management, member management, member management, statistical query, personal management. The whole development process first carries on the need analysis to the system, and system design and the detailed design. Finally, Doing function test for the maintenance of the system, and provide reference and help for the similar system in the future.Through this system, the daily information platform for the customer management to facilitate, thereby respecting customer value. In the fierce competition, to make the enterprise have a stronger competitiveness, create a good customer experience, improve customer loyalty.
Keywords:customer;Daily information;ASP.Net technology;SQL;B/S
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 1
1.3 系统设计思想 3
2 系统开发环境 4
2.1 ASP.NET概述 4
2.2数据库技术 5
2.3 C#简介 6
3 需求分析 8
3.1 可行性分析 8
3.1.1 技术可行性 8
3.1.2 经济可行性 8
3.1.3 操作可行性 9
3.2 系统流程和逻辑 9
3.2.1 登陆模块流程 9
3.2.2 用户管理模块流程 10
3.2.3 客户信息管理模块流程 11
3.3 编程环境与工具 12
4 系统概要设计 13
4.1 概述 13
4.2 系统结构 13
4.3 数据库设计 13
4.3.1数据库E-R图 13
4.3.2数据库实体 14
4.3.3数据库设计表 15
5 系统详细设计 17
5.1 用户登录模块的实现 17
5.2 客户信息管理模块 18