摘 要:随着信息技术的快速发展,计算机在各领域各行业应用越来越深入。本课题研究的VTS船舶信息管理系统以Visual Studio 2010为开发工具,使用ASP.NET技术和C#语言,并且把Microsoft SQL Server 2005作为数据库,主要实现了用户信息的管理、船舶锚地信息的实时更新、展示和搜索查询等功能。该系统的应用大大提高了海运业的安全性和高效性,同时该系统具有操作方便、简单明了的特点。38448 毕业论文关键词:船舶管理;SQL Server 2005;.NET
Design and Development of the VST Ship Information Management System
Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology, computer application in the field of various industries is more and more deep. The VTS ship management information system the topic researched is using Visual Studio 2010 as development tools, using ASP.NET technology and C# language, combined with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as the database, its function module mainly includes customer information management, ship anchorage information updating in real time, displaying and searching queries, etc. The application of the system greatly improved the security and efficiency of the maritime industry, at the same time, the system is convenient, simple and clear.
Key Words: Ship Management; SQL Server 2005; .NET
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