摘要:随着社团规模的壮大,社团人数的急速增加,传统的人工管理模式在管理上已经不能满足需求,开发一个学生社团管理系统来提高社团的管理效率显得重要起来。系统采用VS2010作为编程工具中,SQL Server2008的开发工具,后台数据,C#技术作为开发语言,B / S的架构的开发,结合实际校园社区作为一种模式。主要成就:文护社区管理,信息管理,权限管理信息。通过这个系统可以让社团管理规范化和简单化。关键词:社团管理;B/S;SQL Server7545
Student Associations Management System Based on ASP.NET
Abstract: With the growth of the scale societies, associations rapid increase in the number of traditional manual management mode on the management has been unable to meet the demand, the development of a management system for student organizations to improve management efficiency societies seem important. The system uses VS2010 as a programming tool, SQL Server2008 development tools, background data, C # as the development language technology, developed B / S architecture, combined with the actual campus community as a model. Main achievements: the maintenance of community management, information management, rights management information. Through this system allows community management standardization and simplification.
Keywords: Community Management; B / S; SQL Server
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