摘要: 债务重组在我国当下的经济生活中具有显著的意义,它对于改善我国企业不合理的债务结构,减轻企业的债务负担有积极的作用,同时又避免了破产程序费时耗资,社会震荡等消极因素。债务重组是债务人发生财务困难时债权人统一作出让步的行为。这种让步产生了对偿债物资的计量和债务重组收入或损失的会计处理问题。我国债务重组会计准则很大程度上借鉴了国际准则的作法,在原准则的基础上有很大的改进,但在某些会计问题上依然不能全面反映会计信息质量的要求,存在着许多会计问题。本论文从债务重组的概念出发,结合以债权人和债务人的角度分别分析我国债务重组准则对不同重组方式的会计处理方法,并结合案例分析,以求能够更多的找出问题。然后对存在的一些问题提出了解决方案。6681
    Debt Restructuring
    Abstract:Debt restructuring has significant implications in China's current economic life, and it has a positive effect on improving enterprises unreasonable debt structure and reducing the debt burden of enterprises, while avoiding the negative factors of the bankruptcy proceedings time-consuming and expensive social turmoil. Debt restructuring is the debtor`s financial difficulties,he behavior of the creditors agreed to make concessions. This concession resulted in the measurement of material on debt and debt restructuring of income or less accounting treatment. Debt Restructuring Accounting Standards in China ows much to international guidelines practice guidelines based on the original there is a great improvement, but on certain accounting issues still can not fully reflect the quality of accounting information requirements, there are a number of accounting. In this article,the concept of debt restructuring, combined with the causes of the debt restructuring; then the position of creditors and debtors analysis of the debt restructuring guidelines were different ways of restructuring the accounting treatment ,combined with the more complex cases to be analyzed, in order to be able to more to identify the existing accounting issues.
    Key words: Debt restructuring; Accounting treatment; Accounting issues; Fair value; Fair value measurement model
    目  录
    (二)债务重组相关理论 2
    二、债务重组主要方式及会计处理    4
    (一)以资产清偿债务    4
    (四)以上三种方式的组合方式 6
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