摘 要:在解决很多三角函数的题型中,单位圆起着举足轻重的作用.如果能将单位圆灵活运用,可以使复杂繁琐的问题变得简单,使抽象的问题变得更加直观.本文首先对单位圆的定义和三角函数在单位圆中的定义以及相关性质作了说明,然后结合大量的例题并利用数形结合的思想,阐述了单位圆在三角函数解题中的应用方法和使用规律.38312 毕业论文关键词:单位圆;三角函数;数形结合
The Application of Unit Circle in Trigonometric Function
Abstract : In solving many types of trigonometric function, the unit circle plays a decisive role. If We can use unit circle cleverly, then we can make the problem simplified and turn the problem from abstract to intuitive. In this paper, we first explain the definition of the unit circle and the trigonometric function in the unit circle ane the propeties relevant.
Key words: The Unit Circle;Trigonometric Function;The Combination of Number and Shape
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