摘 要:确定诱发滑坡的影响因子是进行滑坡灾害评价和预测的一个重要内容。本文主要利用遥感(RS)技术结合地理信息系统(GIS)技术,采用统计学方法,对庐山北山公路沿线滑坡空间分布和地形、地质等滑坡内部因子之间相关性进行统计计算。主要采用QuickBird高分辨率遥感影像、TM影像和SRTM数字高程模型作为数据源;采用ENVI提取植被覆盖度(NDVI),通过ArcGIS数据处理、几何纠正、配准、矢量化和裁切操作,提取出研究区域的道路、等高线等矢量信息和坡度、地表粗糙度等地形因子;建立庐山北山公路滑坡空间数据库。在ArcGIS平台下,将各个滑坡危险性影响因子按照一定规则进行重分类,进行图层叠加,对研究区域的滑坡分布和影响因子进行分析,利用Origin软件计算滑坡危险性影响因子间的两两相关性。结果表明在降雨作为驱动因子的基础上,植被覆盖度、高差、坡度、地表粗糙度以及地层岩性是庐山北山公路滑坡的主要影响因子。71173


Abstract: The impact factors play an important role in the evaluation and prediction of landslide. This paper comprehensively uses remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) technology and statistical methods to discuss the factors of Beishan Road of Lushan in Jiangxi Province. The impact factors based for counting the spatial distribution and topography, landslides and other geological correlation between the internal factors of Beishan Road landslide was calculated. In this paper, the QuickBird high resolution remote sensing image, TM image and SRTM digital elevation model are used as the data source. In this study, with the help of ENVI and ArcGIS technique, the road of the study area and contour vector information was extracted by using data processing, geometric correction or registration, vectorization and cutting operation. The special database was set up of the Beishan Road. According to certain rules,the impact factors was reclassified. In ArcGIS platform, carries on the map algebra operation and layer overlay, the study of regional landslides and influence factors were analyzed, and the Origin of software is used to calculate the correlation between the landslide impact factors. The results are as follow. Based on the driving factor during rainfall, vegetation coverage, elevation and slope gradient, surface roughness and lithology are main influencing factors of the landslide.

Keywords: Beishan Road, landslide, GIS, impact factors, statistical analysis

目   录

1  前  言 4

2  研究区域概况和研究方法 4

2.1  研究区域概况 4

2.2  研究方法 6

3  数据预处理和滑坡空间数据库 6

3.1  数据预处理 6

3.2  GIS滑坡空间数据库的建立 8

4  滑坡影响因子分析 8

4. 1  植被覆盖度 8

4.2  高差 9

4.3  坡度 10

4.4  地表曲率 11

4.5  地表粗糙度 12

4.6  地层岩性 13

4.7  相关性分析 14

结  论 17

参 考 文 献











