    本文设计了两种相控阵天线。第一种为开口矩形波导平面阵列天线,阵列大小为 ;第二种为双频多层微带阵列天线,阵列大小为 ,与卫星圆柱面共形,减小了卫星飞行过程中遇到的阻力,并为该阵列天线设计了馈电网络。采用遗传算法和空间映射算法分析优化这两种天线在不同扫描角的方向图,降低其副瓣电平,优化后副瓣电平达到-20dB,增益大于20dB。
    关键词  相控阵天线  矩形波导天线  微带天线  遗传算法  空间映射算法
    Title   The study on the optimization and design of the  phased array antenna on satellites platform       
    With the development of satellite technology, the requirement of array antenna of satellite is increasing. As a common array antenna, phased array antenna has the ability to achieve beam scanning rapidly, to synthesize space power and to form multi beam, and are applied in satellites increasingly. This thesis is concerned with analysis and optimization of the phased array antenna to satisfy the requirement of actual project.
    In this thesis, two kinds of phased array antenna are designed and researched. The first is array scales of open rectangular waveguides. The size of the plane array is  ; The other one is a dual band multilayer microstrip antenna array, with the satellite cylindrical conformal to reduce the resistance, the array size     is  . Moreover, the feed network is finally designed for the array. The genetic algorithm and space mapping method is used to analyze and optimize the radiation problems of phased array antennas to reduce the sidelobe level, and the optimized sidelobe level reaches -20dB and the gain is more than 20dB.
    Keywords  phased array antenna   rectangular waveguide antenna  microstrip antenna   genetic algorithm   space mapping
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景与意义    1
    1.2 研究历史与现状    2
    1.3 本文内容与安排    3
    2 基本理论    4
    2.1 天线基本理论    4
    2.2 空间映射算法    10
    2.3 遗传算法    11
    3 开口矩形波导阵列天线设计    14
    3.1 天线阵元设计    14
    3.2 天线阵列设计优化    15
    4 双频多层微带阵列天线设计    19
    4.1 天线阵元设计    19
    4.2 天线阵列设计优化    20
    4.3 馈电网络设计    24
    结  论    31
    致  谢    32
    附录A 研究成果    35
    1 绪论
    1.1 研究背景与意义
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