    关键词  脉搏测量仪  AT89C51单片机  光电传感器
    Title   The design of pulse wave extractor based on 51 MCU
    Pulse measuring instrument has been widely used in our daily life. This subject designs a system based on single-chip microcomputer and  infrared light emitting diode and photo transistor as sensors, and calculates time with the using of the inner timer. The sensor produces pulse and the conditioning circuit reforms and amplifies the signal, and then, the single-chip microcomputer gets the times of the beat by accumulating the pulses, and the timer obtains the time. The system could display the times of beats and after one minute it can show the sum of the beats in the latest minute. The reason of this kind of design is to locate the change of the heartbeats accurately. Despite all these functions before, it can also send the data through serial ports, so that it can be handled in detail. After testing, we can see that the system works well and meets the design requirements.
    Keywords  pulse measuring instrument  AT89C52  photoelectric sensor
    目 次
    1  引言    1
    2  脉搏测量仪系统结构    1
    2.1  光电脉搏测量仪的结构    2
    2.2  光电脉搏测量仪的特点    2
    2.3  工作原理    2
    3  硬件系统    3
    3.1  脉搏信号采集    3
    3.1.1  光电传感器的原理    3
    3.1.2  光电传感器的结构    4
    3.1.3  光电传感器检测原理    4
    3.1.4  信号采集电路    4
    3.2  信号放大    5
    3.2.1  放大器的介绍    5
    3.2.2  放大电路    6
    3.3  波形整形电路    7
    3.4  单片机信号处理    10
    3.4.1  AT89C51 简介    11
    3.4.2  AT89C51 的结构    11
    3.4.3  AT89C51单片机最小系统    13
    3.5  显示电路    14
    3.5.1  LED 的综述    14
    3.5.2  LED 的结构    14
    3.5.3  LED数码管的显示方法    15
    3.6  串行通信    16
    3.6.1  串行通信简介    16
    3.6.2  MAX232简介    17
    3.6.3  串口电路设计    18
    软件系统    18
    4.1  主程序    19
    4.2  定时器模块    20
    4.3  中断服务程序    21
    4.4  数据处理模块    21
    4.5  显示模块    22
    4.6  串行数据输出    23
    5  系统仿真    24
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