    关键词: 遗传算法;函数优化;MATLAB;进化算法
    Simulation and Research on the Performance of Basic and Optimized Genetic Algorithm
    Abstract: It is a continuous cycling and optimized process to the evolution of the biological population in the nature of the improvement and development.In the era of rapid development of computer technology, people reference this process and put it use into complex engineering field such as production scheduling problem, automatic control, robotics, image processing and machine learning .The research which is genetic algorithm takes simulate the natural evolution as the source of idea ,mainly to study the application of genetic algorithm in function optimization. Analysis and understand genetic algorithm the basic characteristics from the optimization of simple test functions ,on this basis we improve the performance of genetic algorithm from the control parameters, selection, crossover mechanism ,we also call it optimization of genetic algorithm. The content above of the research will take MATLAB as the experimental platform to improve the results of the experiment.
    KeyWords:genetic algorithm;function optimization;MATLAB;evolutionary algorithm
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 概述    1
    1.2遗传算法的发展历史与研究现状    1
    1.2.1 遗传算法的产生与发展    1
    1.2.2 遗传算法的研究现状    2
    1.3 课题的研究意义及目的    4
    1.4 本文的内容安排    4
    2进化算法    5
    2.1遗传算法    5
    2.2进化策略    6
    2.3进化规划    7
    3遗传算法    9
    3.1遗传算法的基本原理    9
    3.2遗传算法的步骤流程    10
    3.3 基本遗传算法的仿真    15
    3.3.1算法的参数说明    15
    3.3.2基本遗传算法的MATLAB 实现    16
    4改进的遗传算法    20
    4.1 顺序选择遗传算法    20
    4.1.1算法原理    20
    4.1.2 算法的MATLAB实现    20
    4.2 适值函数标定的遗传算法    22
    4.2.1算法原理    22
    4.2.2 算法的MATLAB实现    23
    4.3大变异遗传算法    24
    4.3.1算法原理    24
    4.3.2算法的MATLAB实现    25
    4.4 自适应遗传算法    27
    4.4.1算法原理    27
    4.4.2算法的MATLAB实现    27
    4.5双切点交叉遗传算法    28
    4.5.1算法原理    28
    4.5.2算法的MATLAB实现    29
    4.6 多变异位自适应遗传算法    30
    4.6.1 算法原理    30
    4.6.2 算法的MATLAB 实现    31
    5总结和展望    33
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