    According to statistics, the incidence of fires is increasing year by year. Among them, if a fire occurs in chemical industry,hards will be very large. Therefore, the design of an economical and practical, easy to use, simple structure, these fire warning alarm can be very important.
    This design with LabVIEW, microcontroller, sensors at its core.Using MQ-2 semiconductor smoke sensor detect the gas, after A / D converter to convert analog signals into digital signals, and DS18B20 output is a digital signal, can be directly received by microcontroller, and through the serial communication show smoke concentrations in the PC in LabVIEW . If exceeds a set threshold will send out sound and light alarm.
    Smoke alarm in the success of this design realizes the following functions: detection of smoke and temperature function, function, the data is displayed on the LabVIEW sound and light alarm function, meet the design requirements. The design of alarm is economical and practical, easy to use, simple structure, hardware and software,  it can be widely used in people's lives.
    Key words:SCM; sensor; LabVIEW; alarm
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1论文研究背景、目的和意义    1
    1.1.1论文研究背景    1
    1.1.2论文研究目的    1
    1.1.3论文研究的意义    1
    1.2国内外烟雾报警器发展现状和趋势    2
    1.2.1国内外烟雾报警器现状    2
    1.2.2烟雾报警器发展趋势    2
    1.3论文研究的主要内容    3
    第二章  烟雾报警器设计方案    4
    2.1系统整体设计思路    4
    2.2烟雾传感器    4
    2.2.1烟雾传感器的选型    4
    2.2.2 MQ-2型烟雾传感器工作原理及特性参数    5
    2.3 DS18B20温度传感器    7
    2.3.1 DS18B20温度传感器简介    7
    2.3.2 DS18B20温度传感器工作原理    7
    2.4 STC89C52单片机介绍    8
    第三章  系统硬件电路    9
    3.1 STC89C52RC单片机最小系统电路    9
    3.2信号采集及模数转换电路    9
    3.3声光报警及接口通信电路    11
    第四章  软件程序设计    13
    4.1LABVIEW前面板设计    13
    4.2LABVIEW程序框图设计    14
    4.2.1VISA函数的使用和连接    14
    4.2.2烟雾浓度和温度值的算法    16
    4.3单片机串口通信程序    17
    4.4 I2C总线通信协议驱动程序    18
    4.5传感器数据读取和写入    19
    结束语    22
    致  谢    23
    参考文献    24
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