    摘要中继可以提高频谱利用率和无线传输可靠性,减少基站覆盖盲区、干扰和功率消耗。双向中继同单向中继相比,可在 2 个而不是 3-4 个时隙内完成用户间信息交换,因而具有更高的频谱效率,双向中继技术是目前无线通信领域的一个研究热点。 本文研究了无线协作通信系统中的双向中继波束成形技术。论文主要有如下几方面的工作: (1).研究对比了基于 AF 双向中继的三种波束成形技术,分别是最大和速率(Maximizing sum- rate,MSR)方案,最小均方根误差(Minimum mean square error ,MMSE)方案,迫零(Zero- forcing,ZF)方案。仿真结果表明在和速率与误码率的性能上,MSR 方案优于 MMSE 方案,MMSE 方案优于 ZF 方案。但在计算复杂度上,7484
    MSR方案最复杂,ZF 方案最简单; (2).研究了信道估计误差对双向中继的影响。引入信道估计误差模型,仿真了修正后的MSR方案,发现随着信道估计误差的增大,系统性能会变差; (3).仿真了一种基于功率分配的波束成形算法,讨论了两种情况,一是在限定的接收信噪比下求解最小总功率,二是在总功率限制下,求解最大的接收信噪比。
    关键词  双向中继 多输入多输出 波束成形 迫零 最小均方误差 和速率 信道误差
     Title  Beamforming   Study    for   Two-way Relaying   Cooperative            
                 Wireless    Communication    Systems    
    Relaying  can improve  spectral  efficiency and reliability  and  reduce blind areas  of
    coverage,  interference and power consumption of  base-station.  In  two-way relaying
    systems, unlike one-way relaying, users can exchange information during 2 slots rather
    than 3-4 time slots and thus  shows  a higher  spectral efficiency. Therefore, two-way
    relaying techniques  currently  become  a hot research topic in the field of wireless
    This paper studies the two-way relay beamforming techniques in wireless
    cooperative communication system. The main works of this paper are as follows:
        1.  Three relay beamforming  methods  based on AF two-way relaying are
    investigated and compared as follows: maximizing sum-rate (MSR), minimum mean
    square error (MMSE),  zero- forcing (ZF).  Simulation results show that  the  MSR
    performs better than the MMSE  in terms of sum-rate and bit error rate and the MMSE
    is better than the ZF. However,  for complexity, three beamformers have the decreasing
    order:    MSR> MMSE>ZF.
        2. The impact of channel estimation error  is  studied in  two-way relaying system.   
    A  channel estimation error  model  is introduced. Simulation shows that the  sum-rate
    performance of  system will become  worse with the increase of channel estimation
    3.  A  beamforming algorithm  based on power  allocation (PA) is investigated  for
    two-way relay networks. The problem of minimizing the transmit power under the SNR
    constraint  and  the problem of  maximizing SNR  under the power constraint  are
    Keywords    Two-way relay    multi - input multi -output (MIMO)    beamforming   
    zero-forcing (ZF)    minimum mean square error(MMSE)    sum-rate
    channel error   power distribution
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