    本文介绍一种基于LTCC(低温共烧陶瓷)技术设计制造的微波电桥和毫米波电桥。微波毫米波电桥是一种很有用的微波器件,在航天和军事等诸多领域中都有着极为广泛的应用。采用LTCC技术可以实现体积小,性能好,可靠性高的微波毫米波宽频带定向耦合器。电路的设计使用了 Agilent 公司开发的仿真软件 ADS和Ansoft公司开发的三文全波仿真软件HFSS,分别进行平面和立体模型的仿真。根据软件的综合设计结果,设计的 LTCC 型微波定向耦合器指标为:频带宽度2.2-2.8GHz;各端口的驻波比低于1.30;隔离度大于20dB;相位差90±2°。设计的 LTCC 型毫米波耦合器的指标为:频带宽度 40-60GHz;各端口的驻波比低于1.30;隔离度大于20dB;相位差90±1°。仿真结果满足了设计要求。9718
    关键字 LTCC 3dB 电桥 微带线  微波  
     Title    A Microwave Or Millimeter Wave Bridge Using LTCC  
    This paper introduces the design and fabrication of bridge of microwave
    and millimeter wave band wide using LTCC. The bridge is useful parts of
    microwave apparatus and plays an important part in many areas, such as
    spaceflight and military affairs. The bridge of microwave and millimeter
    wave  band wide is small volume, perfect performance and high dependability
    using LTCC. ADS of Agilent and three-dimensional full-wave simulation
    software HFSS of Ansoft are used in the design of the circuit, and the
    circuit is simulated with plane and solid models. As the result of the
    integration design, the fact target of hybrid coupler of microwave band
    wide using LTCC: the band of frequency is 2.2~2.8 GHz, VSWR of each port
    is less than 1.30, the isolation is more than 20dB, the phase balance is
    90±2°. the fact target of  millimeter wave  hybrid coupler using LTCC: the
    band of frequency is 40~60 GHz, VSWR of each port is less than 1.30, the
    isolation is more than 20dB, the phase balance is 90±1°.The result is
    a little different from the simulating result, but the design meets the
    request of the design.
    Keywords   LTCC  3dB  bridge  micro-strip line    microwave   
     目   次
    1 引言   .  1
    2 理论基础   .  1
    2.1 传输线   .  1
    2.2定向耦合器     13
    2.3 微波毫米波电桥  .  20
    3  制作工艺    22
    3.1 工艺基础  .  22
    3.2 LTCC简介    23
    3.3 LTCC技术的工艺流程    23
    3.4 LTCC应用领域    24
    3.5 LTCC技术的优点与不足    26
    4 微波电桥电路设计  .  27
    4.1 设计目标  .  27
    4.2 平面设计  .  27
    4.3 立体设计  .  34
    4.4 比较  .  35
    5 毫米波电桥电路设计  .  35
    结论  .  36
    致谢  .  37
    参考文献  .  38
    1 引言
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