摘要船舶的减振降噪已成为船舶设计制造中的一个非常关键环节,影响着船舶舒适性 和安全性等。船舶机械产生的振动一直是船舶减振研究的重点之一,为了降低振动所 带来的影响,通常采用单层隔振、双层隔振以及浮筏隔振等多种隔振方式降低船舶辅 机系统的振动,进而降低船舶的噪声。随着研究的不断深入,减振系统种类变得越来 越多样化,为了深入研究减振系统的性能,本文将分析系统各种参数对各项性能的影 响规律。84399

第一章首先对船舶减振研究进行了国内外综述,并简单介绍了船舶减振系统的 发展过程。第二章介绍了 MATLAB 软件的基本功能和图形界面 GUI 的设计方法以及 回调函数的编写和使用。第三章分析了隔振系统的基本理论。第四章针对船舶空气压 缩机隔振系统建立了其动力学模型,并基于 Simulink 进行了数值仿真计算,并结合 GUI 开发了隔振系统计算的软件。第五章是以上海捷豹压缩机制造有限公司生产的 V—0。17/8 空气压缩机为分析对象,采用上述开发的软件对其进行隔振系统设计、隔 振器选型、隔振效率的计算以及部分参数对隔振系统性能的影响。


Abstract The vibration reduction and noise reduction has become a very important part in ship design and manufacture,which affects the comfort and safety of the ship。The vibration of ship is one of the key research of vibration reduction。In order to reduce the vibration caused by impact, we usually used a variety of vibration isolation methods such as single layer isolation,double layer vibration isolation and floating raft isolation etc。To reduce the vibration of the ship auxiliary system,thereby reducing the noise of ship。With  the deepening of research,the types of vibration reduction system are becoming more and more persified。In order to study the performance of vibration reduction system,the influence of various parameters on the performance of the system is analyzed in this paper。

In the first chapter,the research of ship vibration reduction is reviewed at home and abroad,and the development process of the ship vibration damping system is introduced briefly。Secondly,the second chapter describes the basic functions of the  MATLAB software and graphical interface GUI design methods and the preparation and use of the callback function。In the third chapter,the basic theory of the vibration reduction system is analyzed。In the fourth chapter, the dynamic model of the vibration reduction system of marine air compressor is established,and the numerical simulation based on Simulink is carried out,combined with GUI, the software of vibration reduction system was developed。 The fifth chapter,the 0。17/8 - V air compressor as object of analysis,which is produced by the Jaguar Compressor Manufacturing Co。 Ltd。 in Shanghai,the design of vibration reduction system, the selection of vibration isolation device, the calculation of vibration isolation efficiency and the effect of some parameters on the performance of the system have been developed by using the developed software。

Keywords : MATLAB/GUI ; Vibration  Isolation  System ; Vibration Isolation

Efficiency;Air Compressor;


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究的目的与意义 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 2

1。3 本文主要研究内容 4

第二章 GUI 软件开发基础知识 6

2。1 概述 6

2。2 图形用户界面(GUI)













