摘要光子计数激光雷达是当前激光探测领域的一个前沿性问题。论文在深入资料调研的基础上,综述了光子计数激光雷达的工作原理及工作过程,并对其工作过程进行了建模和仿真。重点对回波信号进行了研究。讨论了不同信号幅度、噪声水平以及累计次数对激光雷达探测性能的影响。探测性能主要从探测率、虚警率和信噪比这三个方面进行建模和仿真。结果表明,随着信号幅度的增长,探测率和信噪比会上升,虚警率下降;随着噪声的增长,探测率和信噪比都会下降,而虚警率会上升;随着累计次数的增加,探测率和虚警率将会逐渐稳定,而信噪比会随累计次数的增加先增加,随后趋于饱和。 28178 毕业论文关键词 光子计数;激光雷达;探测率;虚警率;信噪比;累计次数
Title The Simulation and Analysis of Echo Signals in Photon-Counting Laser Radar
Abstract Photon-Counting Laser Radar is a cutting-edge research topic of laser detection. Based on in-depth research, the working principle and process of photon-counting laser radar are introduced. Working process is modelled and simulated. This paper focus on echo signals. The effects of different signal amplitude, noise level and the numbers of accumulation of laser radar detection performance are discussed. The modeling and simulation of detection performance are mainly analyzed from three aspects: detection probability, false-alarm probability and signal-to-noise ratio. The results show that: with the increase of signal amplitude, the detection probability and the signal-to-noise ratio will rise, while the false-alarm probability will decrease; with the increase of noise level, the detection probability and the signal-to-noise ratio will decrease, while the false-alarm probability will rise; with the increase of numbers of accumulation, the detection probability and false-alarm probability will gradually stabilize, while the signal-to-noise ratio will increase with the numbers of accumulation at first, then reach saturation.
Keywords photon-counting; laser radar; detection probability; false-alarm probability; signal-to-noise ratio; numbers of accumulation
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