

    毕业论文关键词   视觉导引  物流车  软件设计  图像处理


    Title      Software Design of Vision Guided Vehicle  Control System                     

    Abstract This paper is based on the development project of modern internal logistics handling visual guided vehicle。 The software design of visual guided vehicle control system is designed and completed。 This design using MK60DN512ZVLQ10 micro controller as the core control unit, puts forward the software design of vision guided vehicle control system, including the overall architecture design, the overall work flow design and the timing design work。 According to the idea of modular design, control part is pided into initialization module, interrupt module, image acquisition and processing module, the speed control module, and man-machine module。 The design process of the module is introduced in detail。 Finally, the debugging of each function module of the software and the debugging of the system are finished。 The results show that the intelligent vehicle is running in a good condition, and the software design of vision guided vehicle has achieved the desired goal。 

    Keywords  Vision guided;Logistics vehicle;Software design;Image processing

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1。1  课题研究背景及意义 1

    1。2  自导引车研究现状 1源-于Y优~尔^论:文.网www.youerw.com 原文+QQ7520`18766

    1。3  视觉自导引车关键技术 2

    1。4  本文主要内容 3

    2  视觉导引车控制系统系统分析和总体设计 5

    2。1  视觉导引车控制系统的组成 5

    2。2  控制系统工作原理 6

    2。3  控制系统硬件简介 6

    2。4  本章小结 8

    3  视觉导引车控制系统软件总体设计 9

    3。1  视觉导引车控制系统软件总体架构设计 9

    3。2  视觉导引车控制系统软件总体流程图设计 9

    3。3  视觉导引车控制系统软件工作时序 10

    3。4  本章小结 12

    4  视觉导引车控制系统软件详细设计 13

    4。1  初始化模块设计 13

    4。2  中断模块设计 16

    4。3  图像采集处理模块设计 18

    4。4  速度控制模块设计

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