    摘要 《人性的枷锁》是毛姆的代表作,小说的主人公菲利普的生活经历,其实就是作者毛姆的生活经历的写照。作者将个人的思想、情感以及对人生的感悟写进小说,通过菲利普的一言一行展现出来。因此,小说《人性的枷锁》带有明显的自传色彩。本论文的主要内容在于通过分析菲利普面临的人生的枷锁:情感的枷锁,金钱的枷锁和宗教的枷锁,来解读毛姆的人生观。论文的写作目的在于一方面告诫人们不要做欲望的奴隶,应该摒弃幻想 ,摆脱精神和物质的枷锁;另一方面,揭示毛姆消极避世的人生观。通过对毛姆的人生观进行批判地分析和讨论,引发我们对人生的思索,对人生意义的寻求,帮助我们树立正确的人生观。21983
    Abstract The novel of Human Bondage is Maugham’s masterpiece. The hero’s life experience, in fact, is the portrayal of Maugham’s life experience. The author puts his personal thoughts, feelings and perception of life into his novel which are represented by Philip’s words and deeds. So, the novel of Human Bondage is an obvious autobiographical novel. This paper analyzes Maugham’s view of life through the bondage of life which are Philip has to face. They are the bondage of love, the bondage of money and the bondage of religion. The purpose of this paper is to warn people not to be desire’s slave and to tell people to abandon the illusion; on the other hand, it reflects Maugham’s negative view of life. This paper would like to provoke us to think about life, to seek the meaning of life and to establish a correct outlook on life by analyzing Maugham’s view of life critically.
    Key words: bondage; view of life; of Human Bondage
    An Analysis of William Somerset Maugham’s View of Life in Of Human Bondage
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Attitude Towards Love    2
    2.1 The Bondage of Love    2
    2.2 The Way to Deal with the Bondage of Love    3
    III. The Attitude Towards Money    5
    3.1 The Bondage of Money    5
    3.2 The Way to Deal with the Bondage of Money    6
    V. The Attitude Towards Religion    8
    4.1 The Bondage of Religion    8
    4.2 The Way to Deal with the Bondage of Religion    9
    V.Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgements    14
    I. Introduction

    William Somerset Maugham is the famous novelist in Britain in twentieth century. The writing-style of his works is simply and clearly. And his works draw materials broad and have thorough understanding of human nature.
        There are so many works in his life. His works involved various fields in literature expect the field of poetry. He has totally written about twenty novels, more than one hundred short novels and thirty dramas. A number of readers like his novels who are from different countries and from different classes. Because his novels have clear context, vivid characters and the ups and downs plots. His works have been translated into many different languages. And many of them have been filmed.
     His major works include the novel Cakes and Ale, The Moon and Sixpence, Blade, the drama Circle and the short story Rain. Of Human Bondage is the most important and widely circulated lengthy masterpiece of him.
    Many scholars analyzed and discussed this novel from the theme, meaning, existentialism and the view of life and so on. For example, the academic journal “Discuss the theme of of Human Bondage ”written by Li Jian was analyzed this novel into three relationships, which are man’s relation to the world he lives in, man’s relation with the men among whom he lives, and finally man’s relation to himself.
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