    Abstract As a treasure of Chinese ancient literature, Song Ci adds an splendid and unique chapter to the classical Chinese literature with its special charm. In the decades, the translation of Song Ci has aroused a growing attention of translators. Li Qingzhao, the first Song poetess, has entered into some translators’ eyes. Also, the translation of her Ci-poems are attached great importance to many scholars at home and abroad. As the translation of Song Ci like Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems being translated into the West, it promotes the communication of Chinese traditional culture with foreign culture. However, among those translation works, fewer are highly praised by people. The fact is that it lacks the proper guidance of translation theory. The translator always focuses on the pursue of isolated lexical meaning and pay more attention to the loyalty of definition of the lines of the Ci-poems,which leads to the ignorance of image-G reproduction of original words . The image-G theory considers the whole text as a whole rather than a isolated part. Only taking the whole text as an integrity can the style of the source language be perfectly accomplished. The thesis will analyze the English translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems, according to the image-G actualization. Besides , the thesis holds that image actualization not only depends on the translator reproducing the various image-G the original text includes as a whole, but also on perfectly applying the target language to reproduce and recur those image. In a sense, the thesis hopes to promotes Chinese classical traditional literature Song Ci into the world. In addition, By the study of the image-G actualization of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems, the thesis provides a new prospective to reappreciate Chinese traditional culture and change our fixed view of translation in order to find out a new growing point of translation field.
    Key Words :Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems     image gestalt     image actualization          English translation
     摘 要宋词是中国古代文学的瑰宝,在中国文学史上创造了一个辉煌的时代,并形成了自己独特的风格。近几十年来,宋词的翻译越来越受到学者的关注。而被称为宋代第一位女词人的李清照,备受译者青睐。以李清照为代表的宋词翻译并传送至国外,这对传播中国传统文化起到了促进作用。然而,众多的英译本中为人所称道的却寥寥无几。究其原因,主要是缺乏合适的翻译理论的指导。译者在翻译中往往拘泥于追求孤立词语的含义,过分关注译文对诗行意义的忠实,以致忽略了原词的整体意象的再造,即格式塔质。格式塔理论认为只有将文本视为一个整体而非孤立的个体,源语的风格才能在翻译中得以完整实现。本文从格式塔意象再造角度出发,通过对李清照词作品英译的分析,认为词的意象再造不仅取决于译者在整体上解构原词文本中所蕴含的各格式塔意象,还取决于译者要充分运用译文语言,重构和再现原词各个层次的格式塔意象。本文希望在一定程度上可以促进词走向世界,同时通过对李清照词英译中意象再造的研究,可以提供一个新的视角,令我们在研究中转换固定视角,重新审视中国的传统文化,以期寻找新的学术生长点。26828
    关键词 李清照词     格式塔意象     意象再造     英译
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Contents    iv
    I Introduction    1
    1.1 Motivation and Methodology    1
    1.2 The Purpose of the Study    2
    1.3 Structure    2
    Ⅱ Literature review    4
    2.1 Reviews on the Domestic Study of Image-G Actualization Theory    4
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