
    Learning       strategies   
    Direct Strategies    Memory Strategies
    Cognitive Strategies;
    Compensation Strategies
    Indirect Strategies    Metacognitive Strategies
    Affective Strategies
    Social Strategies
    2.2 The Development of LLSs  With regard to LLSs, its research began to appeal to researchers at home and abroad, and ballooned in the 1970s. In past more than three decades, a large number of studies on LLSs have been conducted by lots of researchers and scholars ,whose areas concern characteristics of good language learners  (e.g Rubin 1975; Stern 1975; Naiman 1978), definition of LLSs (e.g Weinstein &Mayer 1986; Bialystock 1978; Tarone 1980; Stern 1983;Wenden 1985; O Malley, Chamot & Kupper 1989; Oxford 1990;Cohen 1998; Wen 2000;Wu 2000 ), classification of LLSs (e.g O Malley&Chamot 1990; Oxford 1990; Cohen 1998; Wen 2003); factors influencing choice of LLSs (Klassen 24-35) , LLSs training (e.g Ellis & Sinclair 1989) , and the relationship between LLSs and autonomous learning (Brown 54-60) .
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