    Acknowledgments During the writing of this paper, the greatest joy is discussing with people who have given me not only their time and attention, but also their suggestions and ideas. I want to express my sincere thanks to following people for their dedication and contribution, without which the path to the finishing of this thesis would have been a whole lot more bumpy. 36840
    First, I would like to thank Mrs., my supervisor, who has bighearted, devote her enlightening and serviceable ideas during many of our meeting about discussing the thesis. She provided many reference books to me to help strengthen my arguments. We maintained our face-to-face contact to discuss about this thesis even if we live far from each other.
    Then I really want to express thanks to my friends and my classmates, especially Dora Gu. When we suffered from writing bottle-neck problem, she and I always encouraged each other, and came up with some new ideas for each other. I am also thankful for my friends’ help. They always sent me the useful reference books as soon as they found some.
    And I am also grateful to other teachers who work in the School of Foreign Languages for having instructed me a lot during the college years. At last, I’d like to thank my parents for giving me support and more encouragement during writing this thesis.
    Abstract Tennessee Williams is one of the three greatest American dramatists in the 20th century. His Cat on a Hot Tin Roof won The Pulitzer Prize and The Drama Critics Circle Award. His women characters are very lifelike and moving. And many tragedies of those women reflect social issues at that time. His drama has an important role in arousing the independent consciousness of women and initiating the society to pay more attention to women.
    The heroine of this drama, Maggie has often been the research object of readers and scholars. There is a lot of debate about Maggie’s character and her fate. This thesis attempts to analyze Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in the viewpoint of feminism. Though most women in this play such as Mae and Big Mama choose to accept the life under the patriarchy silently, the other women with self-consciousness want to live for themselves and fight against patriarchy. Maggie, the one full of desire self-awareness, is like a red rose that blooming under the power of males.
    Key Words: Maggie, feminism, patriarchy
    Acknowledgments    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii
    1 Introduction    1
    2 The Development of Feminism    3
    2.1 Feminist Movement    3
    2.2 Feminism in Literature    4
    3 The Reflection of Patriarchy    6
    3.1 Physical Ignorance    6
    3.2 Economic Inferiority    7
    3.3 Mental Torture    9
    4 Maggie’s Awakening    12
    4.1 Pursuit of Happiness    13
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