
        2.1.3 Threat of potential entrants...7
        2.1.4 Alternatives...8
        2.1.5 Threats of existing competitors in the industry9
    2.2 Swot analysis..10
        2.2.1 Strength...10
        2.2.3 Opportunities...11
        2.2.4 Threat...11
    Chapter three STP analysis on the marketing of Xinchen Floor.13
    3.1 Market segmentation..13
    3.2 Target market selection..15
    3.3 Market positioning.15
    Chapter four Analysis and suggestions on Xinchen Floor’s marketing strategy with the marketing theory of 4Ps.17
    4.1 Product strategy.17
    4.2 Price strategy.19
    4.3 Place strategy.21
    4.4 Promotion strategy.25
    Chapter five Conclusion...27
    On the marketing strategy of Xin Chen floor on the central plains of China

    Chapter one Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    Since entering the market in the Central Plains in 2000, Xinchen Floor Co., Ltd, with rapid development, has gradually expanded its single market in Henan to Shaanxi, Shanxi, Anhui and other neighboring provinces and cities, and vigorously develops the anti-static floor used in computer rooms as the main business of the company. With the increasingly opening of China’s market, more and more flooring manufacturing enterprises have came into the Central Plains region, with increasingly fierce competition. At present, due to the support of urban construction of central plains areas by Chinese government, there is a large amount of demand for floor in that area(秦亚洲, 2010). Despite the good market environment, Xinchen Company’s sales does not rise in recent years(孙国荣, personal communication, February 18, 2016). There are many reasons accounting for this, such as cost control and management mode etc. However, the company’s marketing strategy requires the greatest attention, because marketing strategy is the guiding ideology of a company, which includes the market selection, competitor analysis, pricing, channel control. When some problems arise, it will have adverse effects on the company(Kotler. P & Armstrong. G, 2011, p72-p76). Therefore, this paper will focus on the problems existed in the marketing strategy of Xinchen Company.
    1.2 Research significance and purpose
    Xinchen Company designed its marketing strategy at the beginning of its establishment, and has followed this set of marketing strategy for over a decade without any change. But now, the problems existing in the marketing strategy gradually revealed, hindering the development of the company(孙国荣, personal communication, February 18, 2016). According to the setting order of marketing strategy, this paper will find the problem from the aspects of market environment, target market and sales strategy give specific suggestions. In addition, following this analyzing order, we can make a comparison with the existing ones to make a new marketing strategy and analyze the problems in a comprehensive and systematic way. At the same time, there are many small floor enterprises like Xinchen Company in the Central Plains region, these companies also have similar problems in marketing strategy. So the study of the marketing strategy of Xinchen Company can be used as a reference for its industry colleagues.
    1.3 Structure and content of the research
    This paper is pided into five chapters as follows:
    Chapter one is introduction which mainly explains the background and significance of the marketing strategy research on Xinchen Floor and summarizes the research methods and the general structure. Chapter two makes an analysis of the market environment. This part mainly uses the Porter’s five-strength competition model to analyze the company’s current environment, and the SWOT analysis method to analyze the enterprise’s strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. The third chapter is about the target market analysis, using STP analysis method to get the most suitable target market for Xinchen Floor. The fourth chapter includes the analysis of the marketing strategy, problems and suggestions. It analyzes the current marketing strategies of Xinchen Floor from the perspective of 4Ps so that to find out the problem and to give corresponding suggestions. And the last chapter is conclusion.
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