2.2 Previous studies abroad and at home 4

    2.2.1 Previous studies abroad 4

    2.2.2 Previous studies at home 4

    3. Methodology 6

    3.1 Participants 6

    3.2 Measures 6

    3.2.1 Design of Questionnaires 6

    3.2.2 Homework Survey 6

    3.2.3 Procedure 6

    4. Results and Discussion 7

    4.1 Analysis of Questionnaires 7

    4.2 Analysis of Homework Survey 8

    5. Conclusion & Suggestion 9

    5.1 Conclusion and Pedagogical implications 9

    5.2 Limitations of this study and suggestions for future study. 10

    References 11

    Appendixes 12

    Appendix 1 12

    Appendix 2 14

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Background of the Study

    Before the implementation of the new curriculum standard (2011), junior high school English has served as the beginning of English learning. Although English lessons are first offered in primary school, it is in junior high school that students start a systematic study of English, and it is also in this time the English proficiency of students begin to differentiate. 

    In 2001, China began a new round of basic education curriculum reform, and has made the big progress in primary and secondary education. (纪梅珍, 2105) The understanding and study of English teaching has continued in-depth from educators, but in contrast, the research in the field of homework is still far from satisfactory. "English curriculum standards" (2011) clearly states: Teaching activities should not only be confined to classroom, but should be extended to students' extracurricular lives and learning. Therefore, the English homework design is very important.

    1.2 Purpose of the Study

    It is known to us all that homework is the essential part for students to consolidate and deepen their knowledge during the learning process. But over the long term, whether in teaching research or teaching practice, teachers tend to pay special attention to English classroom teaching while ignoring homework. In reaction to the phenomenon, this study is undertaken to investigate the status quo of English homework assignment employed by Junior High School students.( Ayten Iflazog lu Saban, 2013) It seeks to explore the following questions:

    1) What are the general patterns of English homework designed by teachers?

    2) What is the relationship between English homework design and students' English learning?

    3) How to improve the effectiveness of English homework design?

    1.3 Significance of the Study

    In modern education, it is acknowledged that homework, although sometimes disliked by some students, could effectively assist students in consolidating their knowledge and meanwhile enhancing their academic performance. It was, is and will still be one important element for almost any form of education.

    Besides, it is known to us all that we can take a horse to the water but we cannot make him drink. In the process of doing homework, students will be able to review what they learn in class. And the effective homework design is helpful for students to find their weaknesses or errors in their courses. The knowledge, rules, theories or skills could be thus memorized and utilized by the learners.(Marte Rønning,2011)

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