
    In part two, the relevant literature is reviewed on the related significant theories in competitive activities, relationships between interest and competitive activities, motivation and competitive activities, emotion and competitive activities, the effects of competitive activities in English teaching, and the organization of competitive activities. It lays a solid foundation for constructing the theoretical background of the present study.

    Part three focuses on the research design, which introduces the participants of the study, methods of data collection, the instruments used to measure the effects of competitive activities, including questionnaire, classroom observation and interviews. The procedure of survey and a brief introduction of classroom observation and interviews will be presented. 

    Part four is composed of application results and analysis discussion. In this part, it explains the application of competitive activities. Combining with my practicing the competitive activities, the study presents the efficient process of competitive activities in details.

    Part five concludes the whole study. On one hand, it discusses the findings of the study and focuses on suggestions derived from the findings of the present study. On the other hand, it points out some limitations in this study and makes suggestions for further research.

  1. 上一篇:国内简·奥斯丁婚姻观研究概述
  2. 下一篇:交际翻译视角下的杭州景点简介词翻译
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  4. 翻转课堂在初中英语语法教学中的应用

  5. 初中英语教师课堂话语的应用研究

  6. 全纳教育理念下初中英语课堂师生互动的研究

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