
    Abstract Zhu Ziqing’s famous prose He Tang Yue Se reveals unique rhythm beauty with natural language. Many translators have translated it into English to make its charm accessible to foreign readers. Based on Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory and from the perspectives of lexicon, syntactic structure and rhetoric, this paper analyses how Zhu Chunshen makes his translation of He Tang Yue Se equivalent to the source text, enabling the target receptors to understand the original author Zhu Ziqing’s emotion and get essentially the same feeling as the original receptors do.54468

    Keywords: He Tang Yue Se; Functional Equivalence Theory; lexicon; syntactic structure; rhetoric




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1 Previous Study 2

    2.2 Introduction to Functional Equivalence Theory 2

    3. Analysis of Zhu Chunshen’s Translation under the Guidance of Functional Equivalence Theory 4

    3.1 Introduction to He Tang Yue Se 4

    3.2 Analysis of Lexicon 6

    3.3 Analysis of Syntactic Structure 8

    3.4 Analysis of Rhetoric 10

    4. Conclusion 12

    Works Cited 13

    1. Introduction

    Translation is an important bridge in culture communication. The translators at home and abroad have never stopped looking for the way how to translate well and there are some standards and theories, such as faithfulness, expressiveness and elegancy put forward by the Chinese translator Yan Fu, and Functional Equivalence Theory put forward by the American translator Eugene A. Nida. Functional Equivalence Theory has great influence on translation field, which makes a solid foundation for modern translation, and provides a new perspective to translation research, especially to literature translation.                                                 

    He Tang Yue Se is one of the most famous proses of Zhu Ziqing. Its natural language style and the way of writing grief feeling with happy scene reveal the unique charm of it. Many translators translate it into English in order to make its beauty accessible to more foreign readers. There are four translations of He Tang Yue Se, namely, the translation of Zhun Chunshen, the translation of Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie, the translation of Wang Jiaosheng and the translation of Li Ming. When we look back on the researches on He Tang Yue Se, most of them are about the comparison of these four translations, or focus on the translator’s subjectivity, aesthetics of rhetoric method and the cohesion and so on. There are not too many researches on Zhu Chunshen’s translation from the perspective of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory. 

    According to Nida, to achieve equivalence in translation, a translator should take into account both the author and the reader. A good translation is supposed to not only be faithful to the source text (ST), but also enable the target receptors to understand and appreciate ST in essentially the same way as the original receptors do. Therefore, this theory can be applied as a guiding principle of prose translation.

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