    Abstract Tea and coffee has become an indispensable part in people’s life. After thousands of years of development, both of them have formed their unique cultures. Under the influence of different cultures in China and the west, Chinese tea culture and western coffee culture are also different. Under the trend of globalization, the communication between Chinese and western countries becomes more and more frequent. Intercultural interactions are also increasingly prominent. This thesis will study the cultural differences reflected in Chinese tea and western coffee, so that we can know more about the cultural backgrounds of China and western countries in order to avoid cultural conflicts and also better able to promote cultural exchanges.
    This paper falls into five parts. Part one serves as an introduction. Part two is the history of Chinese tea culture and Western coffee culture. Part three is aiming at the comparison between Chinese tea culture and Western coffee culture. In Part four, Chinese tea culture and Western coffee culture in globalization are explored. The last part, Part five, is a conclusion.
    Key Words: tea culture, coffee culture, cultural differencesii摘要
    1 Introduction.1    
    2 History of Chinese Tea Culture and Western Coffee Culture.6
    2.1 History of Chinese Tea Culture6
    2.2 History of Western Coffee Culture.6

    3 The Comparison Between Chinese Tea Culture and Western Coffee Culture8
    3.1 Similarities Between Chinese Tea Culture and Western Coffee Culture8
    3.2 Differences Between Chinese Tea Culture and Western Coffee Culture10
    3.2.1 The Different Characteristic10
    3.2.2 The Golden Mean of the Confucian School and the Reason.12
    3.2.3 The Unity of Heaven, Earth and Man and the Distinction Between Heaven and Man13
    3.2.4 The Zen and the Christ Spirit13
    4 Chinese Tea Culture and Western Coffee Culture in Globalization.15
    4.1 Chinese Tea Culture in Globalization.15
    4.2 Western Coffee Culture in Globalization16

    5  Conclusion.18

    6  Bibliography19
    1 Introduction
    Tea culture enjoys a long history in China and it is one of the indispensable component parts of Chinese culture. After thousands of years of development, China has formed its unique tea culture, which shows the characteristics of Chinese people.  

    Western coffee culture, just like Chinese tea culture, also has thousands of years of history. Coffee also enjoys an irreplaceable position in westerners’ life. Whether at schools, companies, markets or home, everyone keeps a cup of coffee and enjoys it.

    This paper mainly analyzes the cultural similarities and differences reflected by the Chinese tea and western coffee, especially their differences. Tea and coffee are two major natural beverages in the world. With the development of history, they have formed their own characteristics in culture. Though they have common social and economic functions, differences can be found between them. Chinese tea has its own national features and is also featured by regionalism, otherness, intercommunity and openness, while the western coffee has the characteristics of enthusiasm, ebullience, simple random, convenience and efficiency. The Chinese tea culture is middle-ground, while the western coffee culture is rational. The Chinese tea culture stresses the unity of heaven, earth and man, while the western coffee culture proposes the distinction between heaven and man. The Chinese tea culture pursues the Zen, while the western coffee culture has the spirit of Christ. With the globalization of politics, economy and culture, tea is increasingly popular among foreigners. At the same time, more and more Chinese people are drinking coffee. They are connected with each other, but both of them are still with their national features.
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