摘 要:河南豫剧经过长时间的发展出现不同的流派,其中以常香玉的常派最具有代表性。而《花木兰》是其中最经典的一部作品。本文通过常香玉在《花木兰》中的演唱艺术特点,和豫剧的发展历程进行概述。从而展现河南豫剧的魅力以及常香玉的演唱风格和艺术特征。40655 毕业论文关键词:豫剧;常香玉;唱腔;花木兰;
In the "mulan", for example the Chang Xiangyu of shallow sing art characteristics
Abstract: the Henan opera after a long time development of different schools, of which Chang Xiangyu is often the most representative of. This article through to the artistic life of Chang Xiangyu and the Henan opera's development, the origin of the opera, operaand the characteristics of Chang Xiangyu's singing opera "Mulan" features embodied inthe. Through the above analysis of several aspects of the Henan opera charm, and Chang Xiangyu's singing style, artistic features. Make us more in-depth understanding of the opera, Chang Xiangyu. Carry forward the essence of a heritage of Henan opera.
Keywords: Henan opera; aria; Chang Xiangyu; Mulan;
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