摘要随着人们生活水平不断提高,大量污染物质无节制排放,水体富营养化事件频频发生。藻类在新陈代谢过程中会不断向周围环境释放有害藻毒素。节球藻毒素(nodularin; NOD)是其中的一类具有强烈肝毒性的新型环境生物毒素,大量研究表明NOD可以促进机体氧化应激作用。本实验采用模式生物ICR小鼠作为实验对象,采用10μg/kg的NOD进行体内暴露,以小鼠肝脏作为主要的研究对象。结果显示在暴露21d之后,NOD可诱导小鼠产生显著地氧化应激作用。结果显示各类抗氧化酶活性降低:(1)谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量降低了23%;(2)谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST)活力降为对照组的0。88倍;(3)谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)的活性降为原来的0。56倍;(4)谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)活力降低了29%;(5)与此同时,在NOD暴露后,小鼠肝脏内脂质过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)与对照组相比增加了2。11倍,活性氧(ROS)也显著上升。上述变化充分表明:节球藻毒素可以对小鼠肝脏抗氧化系统产生威胁。71964


Abstract As people's living standards continue to improve, a large number of uncontrolled emission of pollutants come into environment, accordingly, eutrophication occurs frequently。 During its metabolic process, algae will continue to release harmful algal toxins into the surrounding environment。 Nodularin (nodularin; NOD) is one of a new class of biological toxins with a strong liver toxicity, a large number of studies have shown that NOD promotes oxidative stress effect。 In this study, a model organism --ICR mice were used as experimental subjects。 We used 10μg / kg of NOD in vivo exposure, designing mouse liver as the main object of study。 The results showed that after exposure of 21d, NOD can induce significant oxidative stress in mice。 The results showed that all types of antioxidant enzyme activity decreased: (1) glutathione (GSH) decreased by 23%; (2) glutathione S- transferase (GST) viability dropped 0。88 times comparing with the control group; ( 3) glutathione reductase (GR) activity dropped to 0。56 times comparing with the original; (4) the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) was reduced by 29%; (5) At the same time, after NOD exposure, mice hepatic lipid peroxidation product malondialdehyde (MDA) compared with the control group increased by 2。11 times, reactive oxygen species (ROS) also increased significantly。 These changes fully demonstrated the following result: nodularin can pose a threat to the antioxidant system in liver of mice。

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a main active ingredient in Chinese green tea polyphenols, the current medicinal value has been widely recognized by domestic and foreign researchers。 Previous studies have shown that a large number of EGCG has significant antioxidant function。 In this study, 50μg / kg, 100μg / kg, 200μg / kg of EGCG pretreated the liver of mice。 We studied protection of EGCG to the utility system at 10μg / kg of NOD exposure on mouse liver anti-oxidation。 During this experiment, EGCG toxicity or other significant effects on liver antioxidant system are not shown。 The results showed that: (1) compared with exposure group of NOD, EGCG can effectively improve the GSH content of liver cells in mice, and it also showed a certain concentration dependent manner; (2)  GST viability with 200μg / kg of EGCG pretreated rose to 1。15 times comparing with the group of pure NOD treatment; (3) GR activity increased by 21%; (4) GPx content with a high concentration of protected groups was 4。36 times as that in the  group of pure NOD exposed; (5) a significant reduction of lipid peroxidation products MDA content (72% ) with 200μg / kg of EGCG pretreated , ROS levels eventually become consistent。as the control group。  In summary, EGCG can inhibit oxidative stress-induced of NOD, playing a key protective role antioxidant system of mouse liver。

















