    摘要:    自然生命通常意着自然繁殖、生长、进化的地球上的生物,如人以及各种动物、植物。人工生命是展示自然生命系统行为特征的人造系统。人工生命通过人工模拟生命系统,来研究生命的领域,是通过对自然生命现象的模拟来研究行为如何变得智能、自适应的学科, 其本质在于大量生命之间相互作用产生的自下而上的自组织行为。本文对现有人工生命及生命之间的相互作用系统分析与总结,在此基础上,研究拓展自然界内部生物运动规律的人工仿真。24470
    Mussel bed models of simulation based on Matlab
    Abstract: Natural life usually means natural reproduction, growth, evolution of life on Earth, such as human and various animals, plants. Artificial Life is the study of man-made system that exhibit behaviors characteristic of natural living system. Artificial life is a scientific discipline that studies how behaviors become more intelligent and more adaptive through the simulation of natural lives’ behaviors, its substantive characteristics is the self- organizing behaviors engendered by the interaction between lots of lives from the bottom up. This paper analyzes and summarizes the interaction between the system and the existing artificial life between lives, on this basis, exploring the movement of the artificial simulation in the internal nature.
    In this paper, artificial life prospects of the description widely used to explore the nature mussel population movement patterns and spatial characteristics of the riverbed landscape forrmed on this basis, to achieve a two-dimensional space simulation river mussel population movement patterns and from the perspective of random motion, simulating different modes of mussels in the movement of the group between the three-dimensional space to further explore the random movement pattern simulation.
    Keywords:    Artificial Life; Self-organizing Behaviors; Mussels; Bed Models; Random Movement
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    自然计算发展趋势    1
    1.1.1    自然计算应用领域    1
    1.2    生命系统模拟    1
    1.3    人工生命研究及发展趋势    2
    1.3.1    定义及基本特征    2
    1.3.2    提出及发展    2
    1.3.3    人工生命研究领域    2
    1.3.4    人工生命应用前景    3
    2    贻贝群河床模式概述    4
    2.1    贻贝与自然环境    4
    2.1.1    贻贝的生物特征    4
    2.2    贻贝群及随机运动特征    6
    2.2.1    贻贝密度的影响    6
    2.2.2    贻贝河床形成与Lévy过程    6
    2.2.3    随机运动概述    7
    3    随机运动模拟仿真    15
    3.1    MATLAB软件概述    15
    3.1.1    MATLAB语言特点    15
    3.2    不同空间文度的布朗运动轨迹模拟    16
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