    毕业论文关键词:光伏电池 最大功率点 粒子群算法 MATLAB仿真
    Abstract Now, the conventional chemical energy is increasingly dried up, and the environmental problem also attracts the attention at the same time, therefore, the government pays more attention to the development of renewable energy. Differing from the traditional power, in the process of conversion of solar energy, Photovoltaic not only has a smaller modular structure, simpler operation maintenance, shorter construction period and other series of advantages, it is one of the renewable clean energy.
    This paper introduces the mathematical model of the Photovoltaic cells, and uses simulation to get the current figure and power figure, finds the working point of the PV cell factors such as temperature. MPPT technology adjust the working voltage of PV cells, to make PV cells can always work near the maximum power point, this paper introduces the mathematical model of MPPT, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of common methods of MPPT, and adopt a kind of PSO algorithm as the foundation of MPPT technology, PSO algorithm is a kind of intelligence algorithm. This paper tries to use PSO algorithm to optimize the power, and use MATLAB to check PSO algorithm can validly follow-up to the MPP of the PV cells, make the output power stability near the maximum power point, reduce the power wastage, increase efficiency.
    Key  words:  Photovoltaic  MPPT  PSO  MATLAB/SIMULINK
     目  录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    目  录    III
    1绪论    1
    1.1论文研究意义及背景    1
    1.2 MPPT技术研究现状    2
    1.3本文主要工作    3
    2光伏电池特性的研究    4
    2.1光伏电池的工作原理    4
    2.2光伏电池的电气特性    4
    3光伏电池的最大功率点跟踪    12
    3.1 MPPT基本原理及其数学模型    12
    3.1.1基本原理    12
    3.1.2数学模型    14
    3.2常用MPPT方法介绍    15
    4 粒子群优化算法    18
    4.1粒子群算法基本原理    18
    4.2粒子群算法的设计流程    19
    4.3对粒子群算法的仿真    20
    5 基于粒子群算法的MPPT技术    22
    5.1 PSO算法寻优过程    22
    5.2寻优结果以及性能分析    23
    5.3 光伏电池的模型仿真    27
    5.3.1系统各模块的建模    27
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