


    Abstract: Temperature is one of the important parameters to determine the state of matter, depending on the traditional method of manual contact measurement is not only a waste of time, manpower, and with a certain risk, but also has a strict limit on the thermometer used materials. In this paper, through the measurement of theinfrared radiation temperature measurement, the measurement of infrared radiation of objects so that the temperature of an object. The thermometer is theinfrared temperature measuring instrument based on STC89C51 microcontroller,according to actual needs, performance index function and the formulation of infrared temperature measurement requirements, and then designs the hardwarecircuit diagram and software. This non-contact infrared thermometer and give full play to the advantages of high temperature heat sensor resolution, fast response speed, no disturbance measured target temperature distribution field, high accuracy and good stability, the large area measurement.

    Keywords: temperature, infrared radiation, infrared temperature measurement

     目 录

    1前言 5

    2 红外测温系统的设计背景 5

    2.1 温度测量技术的概述 5

    2.2 单片机的发展历程 6

    2.3 红外测温系统的技术简介 7

    3 系统硬件设计 9

    3.1 单片机处理模块 9

    3.2红外测温模块 12

    3.3 键盘模块 14

    3.4转换电路模块 14

    3.5 LED显示模块 15

    4 系统软件设计 17

    4.1主程序模块的设计 17

    4.2 红外测温程序模块 18

    4.3 键盘扫描程序模块 20

    4.4 显示程序模块 22

    5 影响系统实验因素分析 23

    总  结 24

    参考文献 25

    致  谢 26 




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