摘要10kv 配电网中中性点运行方式的选择对其可靠性,安全性起着至关重要的 作用,因为中性点接地方式的研究对配电网发电机并列运行的稳定性、继电保护、 对地绝缘来说具有重要意义。目前,我国 6~35kv 等级的配电网中通常使用:中 性点不接地,中性点经小电阻接地,以及中性点经消弧线圈接地。这三类接地方 式也称为小电流接地系统,各有其优缺点,正因为如此配电网如何选择合适的中 性点就接地方式成了一个比较难以抉择的话题。72282

研究分析其运行方式,特别是研究当单相接地故障发生时中性点接地电流的 变化则变得非常有意义。这对于考虑如何选取合适的接地方式,将给与合适的理 论依据,但具体的还是需要依据本身电网的情况分析。

本课题主要对 10kv 中压配电网中性点接地运行方式进行分析与研究,首先 比较不同接地方式的特点,简要说明选择因素,其次了解 10KV 配电网三类常用 中性点接地系统的分析方法,最后对 10KV 配电网中性点不接地和经消弧线圈接 地系统为例利用 MATLAB 进行建模仿真分析单相故障问题发生时零序电压、零 序电流相位关系、接地点电流变化情况,以便更直观地实现小电流接地系统的分 析方法。

该论文有图 21 幅,参考文献 32 篇。

毕业论文关键词:10kv 配电网 中性点接地方式 MATLAB 小电流接地系统

Study on Operation Mode and Grounding Current of Neutral Point in 10KV Distribution Network

Abstract The selection of neutral point operation mode in 10kV distribution network plays an important role in its reliability and security, so the research on the operation mode of neutral point is of great significance to urban daily power supply。 At present, the 110kV and below power distribution network typically used in small  current grounding mode of inclusion: neutral point grounding, neutral point via small resistance grounding, its advantages is when when single phase fault occurs in distribution power system short circuit will not form, line to ground capacitance will only form a loop, and small grounding current, did not affect the power supply, do not have to immediately trip, have plenty of time to solve the fault, but a little occurs single-phase fault will further two or more ground points, phase to phase short circuit, so in case of single-phase fault, we must as soon as possible to find a single point of failure and removal of faults。

Help has become especially selection of small current grounding  system for 35kV Power System, so the 10kV distribution network system in most of the small current grounding system, and in small current grounding system is the most common and most practical is the low resistance grounding mode and the arc suppression coil grounding manner, and the two methods have their advantages and disadvantages, so the understanding of both the operation principle and analysis method on how  to select a great benefit, the small current grounding way there is a big controversy, analyzing the various characteristics of single phase to ground fault in the distribution network development, solve the problem on the livelihood of the  people  and economic development。

This topic mainly on 10KV medium voltage distribution network neutral point grounding operation way carries on the analysis and the research, first compare the different characteristics of operation mode and the applicable object, to understand the current system analysis method, finally to Shanghai South of 10kV small current grounding  system for instance  with simulation analysis  of single-phase  fault  occurs

when the system neutral point voltage distribution, to more intuitive understanding of the small current ground system analysis method。

















