摘要随着世界能源消耗的逐渐增加和人类环保意识的逐渐增强,相变蓄冷技术由于其具有的社会效益和经济效益潜力愈来愈受到重视。因此,本文对以氯化钙溶液作为蓄冷工质 的相变蓄冷换热管的强化传热进行了研究。围绕着肋片的个数、形状以及截面积,在光管 的基础上设计了不同的强化换热结构以及板式蓄冷和管外蓄冰结构,建立了相关的物理数学模型,并利用 CFD 软件进行了数值分析和求解,得出最优化的设计是完全接触式 的肋片结构。与光管相比,其蓄冷时间可节省 90%。同时,本文还对箱式和管壳式蓄冷装 置进行了设计,并进行了比较和分析。此外,还对相变材料凝固前后的密度比进行了实验 验证,得出了在所选用质量分数下的溶液,其密度比近似为 1 的结论。77075

毕业论文关键词  相变蓄冷 氯化钙溶液 肋片 CFD 数值分析 蓄冷时间 蓄冷装置 密度比 

毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

Title Design of low temperature cold storage system of calcium 

Abstract chloride solution With the increase of the world's energy consumption and the gradual enhancement of the environmental awareness of human beings, the technology of phase change thermal storage has been gaining more and more attention because of its social and economic benefits。 Therefore, the author has studied the enhanced heat transfer of the phase change thermal storage tubes with calcium chloride solution as the refrigerant。 Considering the fin number, shape and cross- sectional area, the author has designed multiple enhanced heat transfer structures, plate cold storage structures and outer-pipe ice storage structures on the basis of the bare tube。 The author has established the physical and mathematic model and used the CFD software for numerical analysis and solution。 It was concluded that the optimization of this design is a full-contact type fin structure。 Compared with the bare tube, 90% of the cold storage time  can be saved。 At the same time, the design of box-type cold storage device and shell-and-tube type cold storage device was also carried out, and comparison and analysis has been conducted。 In addition, the density ratio of the phase change material before and after the solidification was verified, and the conclusion was that under the condition of the selected mass fraction, the density ratio of the solution is approximately 1。 

Keywords Phase change cool storage, Calcium chloride solution, Fin, CFD, Numerical analysis, Cold storage time, Cold storage device, Density ratio 

本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

1 引言 1

1。1   工作背景和意义 1

1。2   低温蓄冷的相关介绍 1

1。3   低温无机盐相变蓄冷相关调研 3

1。4   本文主要工作 5

2 蓄冷单元数值模拟 7

2。1   物理模型 7

2。2   数学模型 9

2。3   计算结果分析与讨论 16

2。4   本章小结 19

3 蓄冷单元优化设计与分析 20

3。1   圆管优化设计与分析













