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时间:2018-05-22 21:37来源:毕业论文

The Differences between Chinese and Foreign Politeness Principles and Analysis
Abstract: In order to reduce the friction in the communication and reach the definition of the comfortable communication, the topic mainly improves the understand of the polite principle in China and western country especially the understand of the polite principle’s difference. This paper mainly uses analyses and exemplification to do the deep analysis and research about the understand of the polite principle’s difference in China and western country. Firstly, the paper describes the polite principle in China and the western country respectively. Next, the author makes the comparison and research of the polite principle’s differences and similarities. Besides, the paper analyzes reasons of the polite principle’s differences in China and the western country. At last, the author briefly narrates the impacts that the polite principle’s differences put on cross-cultural communication. In a word, the distinct characters of this paper are the concrete descriptions about reasons of the polite principle’s differences in China and the western country and impacts which the difference probably has on cross-cultural communication.
Key words: Polite Principle; Polite Expression; Difference; Reason; Cross-cultural Communication; Impact
目       录

摘  要    1
Abstract     1
前言    2
一、中西社会礼貌原则的基本内容    2
(一)西方文化中的礼貌原则    2
(二) 汉语文化中的礼貌原则    3
二、中西方礼貌原则的异同对比及其文化差异    4
(一)礼貌原则的共同之处    4
(二)礼貌原则的差异    4
(三)礼貌用语的差异    5
三、中西方礼貌原则差异的成因    6
(一)历史原因    6
(二)现实原因    8
四、中西语言中的礼貌原则对跨文化交际的影响    9
结语    10
参考文献    10
致谢    12
礼貌是全社会共有的普遍现象,是人类文明的标志之一,也是一种社会美德,更是文系人类交流以及社会和谐的重要手段。在跨文化交际中, 人们在礼貌表达上存在的差异是多角度的, 例如礼貌的内涵、礼貌原则的侧重和选择, 也包括言语行为中采用礼貌方略, 涉及内容十分广泛。中西方在社会文化传统、价值观念和行为规范方面都存在着各种各样的差异, 想要跨文化交际顺利的进行,礼貌原则就显得尤其重要,尤其是在不同语言及文化背景下如何礼貌地使用语言进行交际。由于中外礼貌原则涉及的范围比较广泛,研究起来并不便利,而且像日本、韩国、朝鲜等一些国家是同属于汉文化圈的,所以本文主要是从中国的礼貌原则与西方国家的礼貌原则进行对比及分析而论述的。本文还试图综述中西礼貌原则的差异,中西礼貌原则差异的成因,来为跨文化交际中讲英语的人与讲汉语的人遵守彼此的礼貌原则达到相互沟通提供一点启示。 中外社会礼貌原则的差异及其分析:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_16124.html