摘要:陆游是我国伟大的爱国诗人,南宋一代诗坛领袖,在中国文学史上享有崇高地位,被人们称为"小李白"。 他的许多诗篇抒写了抗金杀敌的豪情,洋溢着强烈的爱国主义激情。本文主要从三个方面解读陆游的爱国诗:一、陆游爱国思想的形成原因,主要有时代影响、家庭环境熏陶、名师影响和个人际遇;二、陆游爱国诗歌的思想内容,主要从抗敌报国,恢复中原、报国无门,请缨无路、借梦抒怀,托梦言志三方面解读;三、陆游爱国诗歌的艺术成就,主要从现实主义与浪漫主义结合的方法、雄浑悲壮与清新婉丽的风格、简练生动与平易自然的语言三方面分析。24650
Reading and Researching on Lu You's Patriotic Poems
Abstract: lu you is our country great patriotic poet of southern song dynasty generation leader parnassus, enjoys a high status in the history of Chinese literature, known as \"little li bai\". Many of his poems express the lofty sentiments of gold kill, is permeated with strong patriotic passion. This article mainly interpret lu you's patriotic poetry from three aspects: one, the reasons for the formation of lu you's patriotic thoughts, there are mainly affects age, family environment edification, masters and personal circumstances; Second, lu you's patriotic poetry ideological content, the main service to our country from the heroine, restore zhongyuan, BaoGuoWuMen, find no way, by dreams, dreams will and three aspects; Three, lu you's patriotic poetry artistic achievement, mainly from the realism and romanticism combination method and vigorous solemn and stirring and pure and fresh and lovely style, concise and vivid and easy analysis of natural language three aspects.
Key Words: Lu You; Patriotic Poems; Ideological Content; The Artistic Achievement
摘 要.1
一、生平简介 2
二、爱国思想成因 4
(一)时代影响 4
(二)家庭环境熏陶 4
(三)名师影响 4
(四)个人际遇 5
三、爱国诗内容 5
(一)抗敌救国,恢复中原 5
(二)报国无门,请缨无路 6
(三)借梦抒怀,托梦言志 6
四、爱国诗艺术成就 7
(一)现实主义与浪漫主义结合的方法 7
(二)雄浑悲壮与清新婉丽的风格 8
(三)简练生动与平易自然的语言 8
陆游(1125—1210),字务观,号放翁,越州山阴(今浙江绍兴)人。南宋爱国诗人,也是诗史上最多产的诗人,传诗九千三百余首。陆游生活在南宋前期,当时战争不断,百姓苦难深重,江山支离破碎。陆游的诗歌充分触及到了社会生活的各个方面,回荡着爱国忧民的激情,饱含着丰富的思想内容。 陆游爱国诗解读+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_18251.html