摘 要:《活着之上》是阎真时隔七年之后又一部现实主义力作,小说延续了作者对知识分子小说的关注和书写。书中展现了主人公从毕业到留校任教,直到评上教授的近二十年经历,反映了当今学院知识分子较之传统知识分子的“常”与“变”,消解了乌托邦的校园文化生活,把当今高校行政化与精致的利己主义倾向推向时代的风口浪尖。《活着之上》是阎真的一次自我突破,在作品中有意疏远了绝望、妥协、依附等悲观的人物性格,主人公聂致远超越了《曾在天涯》中高力伟面对异域文化的痛苦、《沧浪之水》中池大为在官场环境中彻底妥协的挣扎、《因为女人》中柳依依在爱情受挫后沦为男人的附庸。聂致远在面对灰暗的校园文化环境始终没有丧失一个读书人的人格,在动摇中一直选择坚守,并最终突出重围。《活着之上》给我们一种正能量和希望,聂致远所代表的这一类人物在时代语境下更具有现实意义。31196
The Illustration of Yan Zhen’s live on
Abstract: To Live on is a realist masterpiece of Yan Zhen after a lapse of seven years. The novel continues the author’s concern and writing fiction for intellectuals. The book shows the protagonist nearly two decades of experience from graduation to teach at school until to be rated a professor. The book reflects “often” and “change” of today’s intellectuals in college comparing with traditional intellectuals and dispels the utopia of campus cultural life, which leads to today’s administerization in colleges and delicate self-interest tendency to the forefront of The Times. The novel of To Live on is Yan Zhen’s breakthrough for himself. He deliberately alienated the pessimistic character in his works, such as despair, compromise and attachment. The protagonist, Nie Zhiyuan, is stronger than Gao Liwei, who is so algetic when faced with foreign culture, in the book of In the End of the World, and Chi Dawei, who is completely compromised struggle in the officialdom, in the book of The Water of Blue Waves, and Liu Yiyi, becomes a subservient to man after suffering failing love in the book of Because the Woman. Nie Zhiyuan has never given up reading and always chooses to stick to in the shaking and eventually break through. The book of Live on gives us a kind of positive energy and hope. Nie Zhiyuan, who stands for this kind of characters in the context of age, has more realistic significance.
Keywords: Yan Zhen; Living on; The Intellectuals; Digestion; Breakthrough
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阎真是一位学者型作家,正是这一双重身份使得他的作品弥漫着深重的哲思,显示出思考的深度,在表达个人情感立场的时候有一种理性的节制。《曾在天涯》(1995,海外版名《白雪红尘》)思考了在东西两种不同的文化语境下海外留学生的困境,《沧浪之水》(2001)思考了接受高等教育的知识分子在中国特定官场文化背景下人格精神的分裂,《因为女人》(2007)思考了现代女性在与男人的博弈中具有一种先天的悲剧性。《活着之上》(2014)关注了他所熟悉的高校,思考了在市场经济环境下钱与权对高校的冲击以及当下知识分子在生存压力下的坚守与动摇。阎真的这部新作既有风格上的延续性,又在立意上具有一定的突破性,阎真是一个写困境的高手,他关注的不仅有中外两种不同的文化和价值观碰撞下的困境,而且还关注传统文化在当代的碰撞,阎真最终的指向都是一种人道主义的关怀,最终的诘问都是在新时期我们如何做人! 论阎真的《活着之上》+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_27263.html