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时间:2019-08-03 20:25来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词】南朝  吴郡张氏  婚姻  政治地位  士族
Study on Marriage of Clan Zhang in Wu Prefecture in the Southern Dynasties
【Abstract】Clan Zhang in Wu Prefecture is local, once played an important role in the ruling group of aristocratic. Southern Zhang in the use of marriage, by blood and geopolitical relations formed Wu Prefecture clan marriage group, operating Wu Prefecture at the same time, for the political status to promote marriage to extend marriage relationship network, with marriage to sustain ascension dual consideration of the political status of the family, the family marriage object selection also includes Kuaiji gentry, Jing Yong North clan,overseas surnamed gentry and scholar bureaucrat group in the forces of the parties. Zhang Wu Prefecture's to maintain its own political and social status, and active in relationship to the imperial power of the Southern Dynasties gradually revived and Patriarch to decline trend of social development. In the concept of marriage, this article has to give way to the reality of the political status of the family to consider. This prompted the family in the end of Jin Dynasty and early Song Dynasty literature tradition to force, Xiao Liang by force turn literature. This is Zhang Wu Prefecture's decline in the political status of Chen Xiao Liang, unable to effectively deal with at the end of the beam of Hou Jing chaos and turmoil of the political situation, but can not renewed the important reasons.
【Key Words】The Southern Dynasties  Clan Zhang in Wu Prefecture
Marriage  Political Status  Family Tradition
魏晋南北朝士族讲究一婚一宦,“朝廷每选举士人,则校其一婚一宦,以为升降。” 一婚指其姻亲对象,一宦则指父兄子弟世代仕官,二者共同建构起门阀士族发展的关系网络,即所谓“高门贵胄,合连群,专宰朝政,盘踞高位,寻且互为婚媾,通家至亲,便于国中,荣辱与共,休戚相关,盖籍聘纳有方,系门第于不坠” 。士族这种为标榜门第、保持家族世业传承的婚姻关系,包含了很多政治性因素。士族婚姻对象的变化,是其家族政治地位升降的集中反映。吴郡张氏在汉魏之际时已是吴地大姓,南朝最为兴盛,家族人物辈出。在一定程度上,吴郡张氏家族的兴衰,就是南朝吴郡士族兴衰的缩影。鉴于家族婚姻关系对吴郡张氏兴衰的重要影响,本文拟通过结合南朝吴郡张氏政治地位的变化,分析吴郡张氏在南朝婚姻关系及其婚媾特点,进而透过吴郡张氏婚姻的研究,探讨南朝吴郡本地士族群体社会地位的兴衰。不当之处,恳请指教。
一、    刘宋时期吴郡张氏政治地位的提高与其婚姻关系的变化
吴郡张氏世居吴地,东吴时期已在吴郡拥有强大的宗族势力和家族声望。《世说新语•赏誉》注引《吴录•士林》载:“吴郡有顾陆朱张为四姓,三国之间,四姓盛焉。”东吴是孙权在江东本地大族支持下建立的政权,因此,吴郡、会稽士族位居东吴权力中心。西晋灭吴,江东世家大族沉寂不发。西晋末年司马睿南渡,依靠渡江的侨姓士族支持立足江东,建立西晋,侨姓大族与司马氏分享统治权,“王与马共天下”,江东本地士族沦落为次等士族。东吴至两晋时吴郡张氏可考婚姻共6例分别为:张温妹嫁与吴郡顾承 、张温弟张白娶吴郡陆鬱生 、张澄子娶顾和侄女 、张凭女嫁与吴郡陆退、 张玄之女嫁与陆法真父 、张镇娶嘉兴徐庸之妹。 以上6例,除1例为嘉兴徐氏外,其他5例均为与吴郡顾陆二氏联姻。可见,张氏通婚对象主要集中吴郡本地,张氏与吴郡本地士族之间已经形成了极为密切的婚姻圈。 南朝吴郡张氏婚姻研究:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_36780.html